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Interactive tutorial for third-party libraries? #27

Open PetarKirov opened 8 years ago

PetarKirov commented 8 years ago

Hi! I'm developing a library that generalizes ranges so they can be used in more contexts like for example async IO and metaprogramming. In the long term I plan to propose it for std.experimental, but first I need to introduce people to some new concepts and techniques, before I can convince them that it's a worthwhile addition.

So, obviously I was thinking about making a tutorial for my library, but then I noticed your project and I thought that it would be great if I could use it to present my library and to let others play with it.

What do you think about letting other people make tutorials about their libraries and to publish them on dlang-tour (of course, after your permission)? This would require some basic dub support (in order to specify external dependencies) and maybe some small reorganization (maybe adding a third-party drop-down, next to vibe-d).

Speaking of DUB, I'm willing to contribute a tutorial for it, but I haven't looked at your backend code, so I don't if it would be a large effort to support it in addition to rdmd.

stonemaster commented 8 years ago

First off, I really like the idea and what the direction this might take to provide a platform for trying D with various third party libraries.

There are just some technical difficulties I see which make this more of mid-term goal.

Currently a Docker container is used which is maintained by me. The container includes dmd and all needed dependencies and runs rdmd with source code file. Each transaction creates a new container which is thrown away when the source has been compiled and run. Currently each compilation/run step has a maximum runtime of 20 seconds and if the step doesn't finish within this period the container is killed. This is needed to prevent evil source to block the whole server. Of course it would be possible to integrate dub into this container but I see a problem in giving users the permission to defined dependencies. The dependencies would have to be fetched and compiled before compiling the user's source which blocks for some time. So a technical solution could be to fetch dependencies at startup and store them in some persistent manner so that the rdmd container can access and use them. This would also mean that it shouldn't possible to define arbitrary dependencies, but just a controlled set which are defined to be fetched before any compilation step. And it means that the dub.sdl shouldn't be editable to users directly but be provided by the third-party tutorial creator to make sure we don't fetch dependencies we don't want to have.

Again, I really like your idea to have dlang-tour more extensible. This is a great idea to make sure more libraries and tutorials are included without each library writer having to think about custom solutions. I am definitely willing to think about this and implement it according enhancements. I will soon create some concrete GitHub issues dealing to iteratively provide this functionality.

But my current focus is to get the first release of the dlang-tour out to public. So polishing and bugfixing will be me on my agenda before I start to do something on this topic.

PetarKirov commented 8 years ago

Thanks for your detailed answer.

I understand what you're saying about the technical difficulties - your current solution with rdmd is simple and robust. Adding DUB support will require considerable amount of work to implement securely. I am ok with postponing DUB after the official realease.

I briefly looked at your container and I have a simple suggestion - instead of manually downloading and installing DMD, you can use the Install script which is also used for popular services like Travic CI. The script is portable and doesn't require any special priveleges. It just unpacks the specified compiler version and the latest stable DUB version in ~/dlang/dub/ and e.g. ~/dlang/dmd-2.071.0-beta1/. Then a simple command is needed to make DMD and DUB available in $PATH:

$ source ~/dlang/dmd-2.071.0-beta1/activate

And if you want the latest DMD nightly:

$ ~/dlang/install.sh dmd-nightly
# Fetching DMD 2016-04-03..
$ ~/dlang/dmd-201-04-03/activate

Also, by default DUB puts all packages in ~/.dub/packages/, however if you don't want to store several gigabytes in the home directory, you can just make a symlink from this directory to e.g. another partition.

I would recommend having a single "repository" of DUB packages shared by all containers. DUB caches the fetch and build step, so the extra slowdown should only happen on first request to use a particular DUB package. There is also an offline option that tells DUB to only use what is already present. IMO, allowing users to manually modify dub.sdl is very important, because otherwise we won't the be able to teach them to effectively use DUB in their own projects. For example I would like to show them how to make some of their project dependencies truly optional. This wouldn't be possible without editing dub.sdl. Maybe a good compromise is to allow users to manually edit the file, but restrict the available packages. E.g. run DUB only if dub.sdl contains only whitelisted dependecies.

wilzbach commented 8 years ago

Btw this should be a lot easier once dub gets the single-file support

wilzbach commented 8 years ago

Ping as dub now has a very nice way to provide dependencies as part of the file, e.g.

/+ dub.sdl:
name "check_phobos"
dependency "libdparse" version="~>0.7.0-alpha9"

(e.g. have a look at this file)

PetarKirov commented 8 years ago

Sooo... if I understand correctly, the following needs to be done in order to support single-file dub packages:





interface IExecProvider
    /* may be extended in the future */
    struct ExecResult
        string output;
        int returnCode;
        @property bool success() { return returnCode == 0; }
        @property void success(bool ok) { returnCode = int(!ok); }

    /* same as before */
    ExecResult compileAndExecute(string source);

    ExecResult compileAndExecuteWithSpecificTool(string source, string toolName);

        IExecProvider dubExec = getDubExecProvider();

        assert (dubExec.isToolSupported("dub-1.0.0+dmd-2.0.71") is true);

        auto execResult = dubExec.compileAndExecuteWithSpecificTool(
                 /+ dub.sdl:
                     name "hello_dub_world"
                 int main()
                     return 42;

        assert (execResult.returnCode == 42);

    bool isToolSupported(string toolName);

        import exec.docker : Docker;

        IExecProvider docker = new Docker(
            5 /* max time */,
            128 /* max output size */,
            10 /* max queue size */,
            10 /* MB max memory */

        // tools not present in the whitelist are not supported
        assert (docker.isToolSupported("asdasdad") is false);

        // At minimum RDMD with unspecified version *should* be supported.
        assert (docker.isToolSupported("rdmd") is true);

        import exec.off : Off;
        auto off = new Off();

        // IExecProvider-s should not lie about their capabilities
        assert (off.isToolSupported("rdmd") is false);


@stonemaster @wilzbach what do you think? Is the above list of tasks complete? Do you think it should be done differently? Is the feature as whole a good idea? This seems like fun project and I'd like to implement it myself, but I first want to know if @stonemaster approves the overall development plan, so I can start working on concrete pull requests where we can discuss the details ;)

wilzbach commented 8 years ago

Sooo... if I understand correctly, the following needs to be done in order to support single-file dub packages:

First of all: thanks a lot for taking the initiative :+1:
I hope that my comment are at least a bit helpful.

[Optional] Migrate dlang-tour-rdmd to the install.sh script (curl i.dlang.io | bash)

I love the short url curl i.dlang.io | bash, but as a disclaimer I have to say the following three things: 1) in the short variant it doesn't use SSL (curl https://i.dlang.io | bash is supported though) 2) it uses unsupervised downloads from the official github repo to update itself (however I watch the tools repo, so I could easily disable this if someone sees it as potential security issue that the github DNS name will be hijacked - imho if Github is compromised we be screwed anyhow) 3) the script is currently hosted on my server (it's the most stable one, but I still think that it should on a server where multiple people can access it, e.g. one of D foundation's server)

Implement dlang-tour-dub docker container using the install script

See the comment below about switching to Linux sandboxes, that might save you/us quite some trouble ;-)

Implement some sort of persistent (across container runs) ~/.dub folder so that we can manage to keep the build times < 20 sec (actually under 5 sec if we want good UX).

Afaik the initial idea of @stonemaster was to cache the common packages ahead during deployment, but there are at least two problems 1) IIRC Dub always tries to use the latest version (and common packages are updated regularly) 2) We would have a hard job in keeping this list updated

-> so having a shared .dub cache is probably better, but

Maybe you can avoid this by updating the common cache after the build was run (and the result are sent to the client)?

As a warning: with single packages DUB sometimes requires one to build all packages ahead of time (https://github.com/dlang/dub/issues/893), the easiest workaround that I found was to run dub twice.

Add built type selection

I am not sure whether this is a good idea. Can't we use the new, single-file format for dub packages? Then people can also run examples on their machines and we don't need to show a button nor guess about which type to use:

#!/usr/bin/env dub
/+ dub.sdl:
name "fancy_ndslice_example"
dependency "mir" version="0.15.3"

A simple way to distinguish between rdmd and dub would then be to grep for dub[.](sdl|json). I do understand the interest in having dmd-nightly available, but as the D tour is specifically aimed at newbies to D, it would make the impression that D is still very unstable. Pinging @nazriel here as afaik he is working on a new version of DPaste (with dub support https://github.com/nazriel/dpaste-frontend/issues/5).

Add DUB IExecProvider. I would also like to have the option to select compiler vendor and version, but I'm not sure what's the best way to achieve this. I can think of to options:

As said before I am not sure whether it's good to display the available version in the UI, but it's definitely a good idea to support them via the API, s.t. we could have a full-page "IDE" page where a user can select the compiler version. However keep in mind that this brings another issue of keeping the dmd nightly compiler in sync with the docker images and afaik dmd is currently packaged into the docker image. @MartinNowak suggested to use SeLinux sandboxes for the individual runs, s.t. might be an easier way to keep the compilers up-to-date?

  • Write a new IExecProvider for each compiler vendor/version combination. Maybe it would require less changes but would scale quite badly.
  • Extend the IExecProvider interface like so:

Definitely the second, but why not instead of "dub-1.0.0+dmd-2.0.71" pass the information a bit more digestible?

struct CompilerTool
    bool useDub; // or check whether dubVersion is empty
    string dubVersion = "1.0.0";
    string compiler = "dmd"; /
    string compilerVersion = "2.0.71"

Btw afaik there's no way yet to tell the installer which dub version it should use, but probably with the first official release this is coming soon & if it's using a string like "dub-1.0.0+dmd-2.0.71", then I would agree with passing the entire version string.

This seems like fun project and I'd like to implement it myself, but I first want to know if @stonemaster approves the overall development plan,

Just a wow - looking forward to those PRs from myside ;-)

Explain the built types combobox in somewhere around the welcome chapter

Side remark: My latest information is that we wanted to cut down the welcome chapter and move the four installation pages after the end of the basic tour, see


Write a chapter about DUB and explain how to use it on the dlang-tour site


stonemaster commented 8 years ago

Thanks a lot for this thorough guide and the ideas you are writing on. I really like the overall direction and appreciate it very much. :+1:

[Optional] Migrate dlang-tour-rdmd to the install.sh script (curl i.dlang.io | bash)

That actually doesn't matter much. It would be nice to have but it is only done once during building the rdmd docker image. It is actually a matter of taste and I am totally fine with it. As to @wilzbach's concerns, this is just done with every release of amew comtainer. On the downside, the current version has thr current versione hardcoded which simplifies version tracking,

Implement some sort of persistent (across container runs) ~/.dub folder so that we >can manage to keep the build times < 20 sec (actually under 5 sec if we want good UX).

What is very important here is that we don't allow users specify arbitrary dependencies. Otherwise the server's disk might run full because of bad dependencies. So my idea would be fetch all dependencies during startup of the tour with a special parameter to the dub container. Them when the users wants its code executed we start dub with the --offline paramter to disallow dependecy fetching.

Add built type selection

I am not sure whether this is a good idea. Can't we use the new, single-file format for dub packages? Then people can also run examples on their machines and we don't need to show a button nor guess about which type to use:

!/usr/bin/env dub/+ dub.sdl:name "fancy_ndslice_example"dependency

"mir" version="0.15.3"+/

I fully support @wilzbach's point. Maybe we should completely switch to just a dub comtainer? Maybe if no dub.sdl comment is found a generic one is generated by the tour itself. Otherwise we just all source code examples to the new format. But that we can decid at a later moment. Generally I think we should keep easier and introduce to much new other "dimensions". So we should just dub and one releaed compiler version, I am also against compiler version for now because it might create confusion for new users. For different toolchains we have dpaste after all. And we would need to check just a toolchain for sanity checks during CI.

This seems like fun project and I'd like to implement it myself, but I first want to know if @stonemaster https://github.com/stonemaster approves the overall development plan,

I really like the development plan and the overally direction is the right one :+1:

EDIT: Fixed broken citations.

stonemaster commented 8 years ago

@wilzbach could comment on this:

See the comment below about switching to Linux sandboxes, that might save you/us quite some trouble ;-)

I didn't see a comment on that and I would like here your opinion here :-) @MartinNowak once questioned the use of Docker in the tour and I am still very sure that it is the right technology for us here:

wilzbach commented 8 years ago

I didn't see a comment on that and I would like here your opinion here :-) @MartinNowak once questioned the use of Docker in the tour and I am still very sure that it is the right technology for us here:

Oh I am quite happy with our current setup as we didn't experience any issue (yet), so I am definitely not going to complain. Moreover I agree with you that Docker is a good technology (my knowledge is too limited to say it's the right). Anyway my point was merely that in case @ZombineDev runs into problems with Docker (e.g. with providing nightlies or the dub cache), there are also other interesting. technologies. Sorry that the message was so unclear :/

OT: there's a fun video about docker: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PivpCKEiQOQ

wilzbach commented 8 years ago

I fully support @wilzbach's point. Maybe we should completely switch to just a dub comtainer? Maybe if no dub.sdl comment is found a generic one is generated by the tour itself. Otherwise we just all source code examples to the new format. But that we can decid at a later moment.

I just made an interesting discovery - if we use DUB instead of rdmd our builds might get faster :)

> python -m timeit -n 10 -s 'import os' 'os.system("rdmd --force foo.d")
10 loops, best of 3: 730 msec per loop
> python -m timeit -n 10 -s 'import os' 'os.system("dub run --single --force foo.d")'
10 loops, best of 3: 578 msec per loop

foo.d is the template meta programming gem,

Associative arrays

rdmd 5 loops, best of 3: 637 msec per loop
dub: 5 loops, best of 3: 584 msec per loop


rdmd: 5 loops, best of 3: 488 msec per loop
dub: 5 loops, best of 3: 373 msec per loop

The downside is that when a build error occurs (e.g. the range example), DUB is a bit slower)

rdmd: 5 loops, best of 3: 170 msec per loop
dub: 5 loops, best of 3: 212 msec per loop

So in summary: using a DUB as build container makes our builds more flexible and even faster :tada:

PetarKirov commented 8 years ago

Thanks for assigning this to me. I want to push this forward, though realistically I'll be able to make progress on this front after 10-15 Sep, because I'll be quite busy before that. I hope you don't mind the delay.

wilzbach commented 8 years ago

Thanks for assigning this to me.

Sorry I just went through the issues and saw this.

I'll be able to make progress on this front after 10-15 Sep, because I'll be quite busy before that. I hope you don't mind the delay.

No worries - at some point I also have to go back to my other life at university.

wilzbach commented 7 years ago

I want to push this forward, though realistically I'll be able to make progress on this front after 10-15 Sep, because I'll be quite busy before that. I hope you don't mind the delay.

@ZombineDev I might have some time in the next weeks to help you on this. What is your current status? Anything concrete that you are blocked on or just the "usual, unfortunate lack of time"?

wilzbach commented 7 years ago

FYI with https://github.com/dlang-tour/core-exec/pull/5, we have a basic DUB support working. It's currently based on a hard-coded list of libraries that are fetched into the Docker image and prebuilt, but it's working very nicely (so far) and should be a good start.

Example: https://is.gd/QiFKTf