Add support for user registration / authentication using Github's OAuth, then add support for package management based on OAuth.
See details here:
What are rough milestones of this project?
Add user registration / authentication based on Github OAuth and get it deployed;
Add the ability to register a package based on one's own Github repository (alternatively, automatically do such a registration);
Allow multiple people to manage the same package based on a repository's collaborator (e.g. people with a "Maintainer" status);
Build a transition page to convert a package from the old scheme to the new one;
How does this project help the D community?
Simplify the registry user registration / management process;
Make it possible for multiple people to manage a package;
Make transfer of a package's ownership on Github also transfer the ownership on the registry without Sonke's intervention;
Recommended skills
Very little. One will need to read the OAuth specs, but that's part of the project. Then it's a matter of implementing it in and get it deployed.
What can students expect to get out of doing this project?
Add support for user registration / authentication using Github's OAuth, then add support for package management based on OAuth. See details here:
What are rough milestones of this project?
How does this project help the D community?
Recommended skills
Very little. One will need to read the OAuth specs, but that's part of the project. Then it's a matter of implementing it in and get it deployed.
What can students expect to get out of doing this project?
Project Type
Point of Contact/Potential mentors