dlarrick / pykumo

Python library to interact with Mitsubishi KumoCloud devices via their local API
MIT License
33 stars 12 forks source link

dump of json w/unitType = None #31

Closed galak closed 2 years ago

galak commented 2 years ago

Here's dump of my json output in which it's reporting 'unitType': None. Not seeing anything obvious w/regards to determine its a ductless unit.

[{'device': None,
  'token': '....',
  'username': '...'},
 {'lastUpdate': 1638328974477, 'sendAnalytics': 1},
 {'children': [{'children': [],
                'id': '1638481144757-1918962439',
                'label': 'Home',
                'lastScheduleChange': 0,
                'lastUpdate': 1638481144765,
                'level': 2,
                'network': {'name': '...', 'password': ''},
                'v1.2+': 1,
                'zoneTable': {'1634P008A180042F': {'_isNew': True,
                                                   '_isRespondingLocally': None,
                                                   '_requestRescan': 0,
                                                   'acoilSettings': {'bpcr': 'off',
                                                                     'cbp': 0,
                                                                     'ebp': False,
                                                                     'erv': {'mode': 'classic'},
                                                                     'fDelay': 0,
                                                                     'humidifier': {'enable': False,
                                                                                    'source': None,
                                                                                    'targetPcr': 0},
                                                                     'inputs': {'ervSwitch': False,
                                                                                'floatSwitchWet': False,
                                                                                'humidistat': False},
                                                                     'isAcoil': False,
                                                                     'oat': 0,
                                                                     'outputs': {'erv': False,
                                                                                 'g': False,
                                                                                 'heartbeat': False,
                                                                                 'humidifer': False,
                                                                                 'w1': False,
                                                                                 'w2': False,
                                                                                 'y': False},
                                                                     'ytoo': {'erv': False,
                                                                              'fan': False,
                                                                              'humidifier': False}},
                                                   'address': '',
                                                   'autoChangeoverEnabled': False,
                                                   'autoModeEnabled': False,
                                                   'cryptoKeySet': 'F',
                                                   'cryptoSerial': '....',
                                                   'desiredConditionStack': [],
                                                   'eqcStageThreeBacksupChannels': {'1': 0,
                                                                                    '2': 0,
                                                                                    '3': 0,
                                                                                    '4': 0},
                                                   'eqcUpdatedLocally': {'1': False,
                                                                         '2': False,
                                                                         '3': False,
                                                                         '4': False},
                                                   'equipmentControllerSettings': {},
                                                   'errorHandler': None,
                                                   'firmwareVersion': '02.06.03',
                                                   'forceCloudUpdates': False,
                                                   'hasElectricHeatingOption': False,
                                                   'holdChanged': 0,
                                                   'kumoSensorSettings': None,
                                                   'label': 'Master',
                                                   'lastAdapterUpdate': '2022-06-28 '
                                                   'lastUpdate': 1656458699307,
                                                   'ledDisabled': False,
                                                   'mac': '74:7a:90:b6:aa:14',
                                                   'maxHeatSetpoint': 31,
                                                   'mhk2Settings': {'auto': {'coolSetpoint': None,
                                                                             'heatSetpoint': None,
                                                                             'owner': 'none',
                                                                             'status': 'inactive'},
                                                                    'connected': {'indoorAir': False,
                                                                                  'indoorAirBattery': 'unset',
                                                                                  'outdoorAir': False,
                                                                                  'outdoorAirBattery': 'unset',
                                                                                  'thermostat': False,
                                                                                  'thermostatBattery': 'unset'},
                                                                    'dr': {'event': 'none',
                                                                           'override': False},
                                                                    'hold': {'adapter': {'cancelMHK2': False,
                                                                                         'endTime': 0},
                                                                             'mhk2': {'cancelAdapter': False,
                                                                                      'endTime': 0}},
                                                                    'info': {'firmware': '',
                                                                             'model': '',
                                                                             'serial': ''},
                                                                    'schedule': {'enabled': 'disabled',
                                                                                 'owner': 'adapter'},
                                                                    'status': {'indoorHumid': None,
                                                                               'outdoorHumid': None,
                                                                               'outdoorTemp': 0}},
                                                   'minCoolSetpoint': 16,
                                                   'overrideSettings': {'dryMode': True,
                                                                        'heatMode': True},
                                                   'password': '....',
                                                   'port': '80',
                                                   'programEventSettings': {'1': {'active': False,
                                                                                  'day': '',
                                                                                  'inUse': False,
                                                                                  'lastUpdated': '2022-06-28T23:23:38.051Z',
                                                                                  'settings': {'fanSpeed': 'auto',
                                                                                               'mode': 'heat',
                                                                                               'spCool': None,
                                                                                               'spHeat': None,
                                                                                               'vaneDir': 'auto'},
                                                                                  'time': '0000'},
                                                                            '10': {'active': False,
                                                                                   'day': '',
                                                                                   'inUse': False,
                                                                                   'lastUpdated': '2022-06-28T23:23:37.644Z',
                                                                                   'settings': {'fanSpeed': 'auto',
                                                                                                'mode': 'heat',
                                                                                                'spCool': None,
                                                                                                'spHeat': None,
                                                                                                'vaneDir': 'auto'},
                                                                                   'time': '0000'},
                                                                            '11': {'active': False,
                                                                                   'day': '',
                                                                                   'inUse': False,
                                                                                   'lastUpdated': '2022-06-28T23:23:37.645Z',
                                                                                   'settings': {'fanSpeed': 'auto',
                                                                                                'mode': 'heat',
                                                                                                'spCool': None,
                                                                                                'spHeat': None,
                                                                                                'vaneDir': 'auto'},
                                                                                   'time': '0000'},
                                                                            '12': {'active': False,
                                                                                   'day': '',
                                                                                   'inUse': False,
                                                                                   'lastUpdated': '2022-06-28T23:23:37.645Z',
                                                                                   'settings': {'fanSpeed': 'auto',
                                                                                                'mode': 'heat',
                                                                                                'spCool': None,
                                                                                                'spHeat': None,
                                                                                                'vaneDir': 'auto'},
                                                                                   'time': '0000'},
                                                                            '13': {'active': False,
                                                                                   'day': '',
                                                                                   'inUse': False,
                                                                                   'lastUpdated': '2022-06-28T23:23:37.646Z',
                                                                                   'settings': {'fanSpeed': 'auto',
                                                                                                'mode': 'heat',
                                                                                                'spCool': None,
                                                                                                'spHeat': None,
                                                                                                'vaneDir': 'auto'},
                                                                                   'time': '0000'},
                                                                            '14': {'active': False,
                                                                                   'day': '',
                                                                                   'inUse': False,
                                                                                   'lastUpdated': '2022-06-28T23:23:37.646Z',
                                                                                   'settings': {'fanSpeed': 'auto',
                                                                                                'mode': 'heat',
                                                                                                'spCool': None,
                                                                                                'spHeat': None,
                                                                                                'vaneDir': 'auto'},
                                                                                   'time': '0000'},
                                                                            '15': {'active': False,
                                                                                   'day': '',
                                                                                   'inUse': False,
                                                                                   'lastUpdated': '2022-06-28T23:23:37.228Z',
                                                                                   'settings': {'fanSpeed': 'auto',
                                                                                                'mode': 'heat',
                                                                                                'spCool': None,
                                                                                                'spHeat': None,
                                                                                                'vaneDir': 'auto'},
                                                                                   'time': '0000'},
                                                                            '16': {'active': False,
                                                                                   'day': '',
                                                                                   'inUse': False,
                                                                                   'lastUpdated': '2022-06-28T23:23:37.228Z',
                                                                                   'settings': {'fanSpeed': 'auto',
                                                                                                'mode': 'heat',
                                                                                                'spCool': None,
                                                                                                'spHeat': None,
                                                                                                'vaneDir': 'auto'},
                                                                                   'time': '0000'},
                                                                            '17': {'active': False,
                                                                                   'day': '',
                                                                                   'inUse': False,
                                                                                   'lastUpdated': '2022-06-28T23:23:37.228Z',
                                                                                   'settings': {'fanSpeed': 'auto',
                                                                                                'mode': 'heat',
                                                                                                'spCool': None,
                                                                                                'spHeat': None,
                                                                                                'vaneDir': 'auto'},
                                                                                   'time': '0000'},
                                                                            '18': {'active': False,
                                                                                   'day': '',
                                                                                   'inUse': False,
                                                                                   'lastUpdated': '2022-06-28T23:23:37.228Z',
                                                                                   'settings': {'fanSpeed': 'auto',
                                                                                                'mode': 'heat',
                                                                                                'spCool': None,
                                                                                                'spHeat': None,
                                                                                                'vaneDir': 'auto'},
                                                                                   'time': '0000'},
                                                                            '19': {'active': False,
                                                                                   'day': '',
                                                                                   'inUse': False,
                                                                                   'lastUpdated': '2022-06-28T23:23:37.228Z',
                                                                                   'settings': {'fanSpeed': 'auto',
                                                                                                'mode': 'heat',
                                                                                                'spCool': None,
                                                                                                'spHeat': None,
                                                                                                'vaneDir': 'auto'},
                                                                                   'time': '0000'},
                                                                            '2': {'active': False,
                                                                                  'day': '',
                                                                                  'inUse': False,
                                                                                  'lastUpdated': '2022-06-28T23:23:38.052Z',
                                                                                  'settings': {'fanSpeed': 'auto',
                                                                                               'mode': 'heat',
                                                                                               'spCool': None,
                                                                                               'spHeat': None,
                                                                                               'vaneDir': 'auto'},
                                                                                  'time': '0000'},
                                                                            '20': {'active': False,
                                                                                   'day': '',
                                                                                   'inUse': False,
                                                                                   'lastUpdated': '2022-06-28T23:23:37.229Z',
                                                                                   'settings': {'fanSpeed': 'auto',
                                                                                                'mode': 'heat',
                                                                                                'spCool': None,
                                                                                                'spHeat': None,
                                                                                                'vaneDir': 'auto'},
                                                                                   'time': '0000'},
                                                                            '21': {'active': False,
                                                                                   'day': '',
                                                                                   'inUse': False,
                                                                                   'lastUpdated': '2022-06-28T23:23:37.229Z',
                                                                                   'settings': {'fanSpeed': 'auto',
                                                                                                'mode': 'heat',
                                                                                                'spCool': None,
                                                                                                'spHeat': None,
                                                                                                'vaneDir': 'auto'},
                                                                                   'time': '0000'},
                                                                            '22': {'active': False,
                                                                                   'day': '',
                                                                                   'inUse': False,
                                                                                   'lastUpdated': '2022-06-28T23:23:36.836Z',
                                                                                   'settings': {'fanSpeed': 'auto',
                                                                                                'mode': 'heat',
                                                                                                'spCool': None,
                                                                                                'spHeat': None,
                                                                                                'vaneDir': 'auto'},
                                                                                   'time': '0000'},
                                                                            '23': {'active': False,
                                                                                   'day': '',
                                                                                   'inUse': False,
                                                                                   'lastUpdated': '2022-06-28T23:23:36.836Z',
                                                                                   'settings': {'fanSpeed': 'auto',
                                                                                                'mode': 'heat',
                                                                                                'spCool': None,
                                                                                                'spHeat': None,
                                                                                                'vaneDir': 'auto'},
                                                                                   'time': '0000'},
                                                                            '24': {'active': False,
                                                                                   'day': '',
                                                                                   'inUse': False,
                                                                                   'lastUpdated': '2022-06-28T23:23:36.836Z',
                                                                                   'settings': {'fanSpeed': 'auto',
                                                                                                'mode': 'heat',
                                                                                                'spCool': None,
                                                                                                'spHeat': None,
                                                                                                'vaneDir': 'auto'},
                                                                                   'time': '0000'},
                                                                            '25': {'active': False,
                                                                                   'day': '',
                                                                                   'inUse': False,
                                                                                   'lastUpdated': '2022-06-28T23:23:36.837Z',
                                                                                   'settings': {'fanSpeed': 'auto',
                                                                                                'mode': 'heat',
                                                                                                'spCool': None,
                                                                                                'spHeat': None,
                                                                                                'vaneDir': 'auto'},
                                                                                   'time': '0000'},
                                                                            '26': {'active': False,
                                                                                   'day': '',
                                                                                   'inUse': False,
                                                                                   'lastUpdated': '2022-06-28T23:23:36.837Z',
                                                                                   'settings': {'fanSpeed': 'auto',
                                                                                                'mode': 'heat',
                                                                                                'spCool': None,
                                                                                                'spHeat': None,
                                                                                                'vaneDir': 'auto'},
                                                                                   'time': '0000'},
                                                                            '27': {'active': False,
                                                                                   'day': '',
                                                                                   'inUse': False,
                                                                                   'lastUpdated': '2022-06-28T23:23:36.837Z',
                                                                                   'settings': {'fanSpeed': 'auto',
                                                                                                'mode': 'heat',
                                                                                                'spCool': None,
                                                                                                'spHeat': None,
                                                                                                'vaneDir': 'auto'},
                                                                                   'time': '0000'},
                                                                            '28': {'active': False,
                                                                                   'day': '',
                                                                                   'inUse': False,
                                                                                   'lastUpdated': '2022-06-28T23:23:36.837Z',
                                                                                   'settings': {'fanSpeed': 'auto',
                                                                                                'mode': 'heat',
                                                                                                'spCool': None,
                                                                                                'spHeat': None,
                                                                                                'vaneDir': 'auto'},
                                                                                   'time': '0000'},
                                                                            '3': {'active': False,
                                                                                  'day': '',
                                                                                  'inUse': False,
                                                                                  'lastUpdated': '2022-06-28T23:23:38.052Z',
                                                                                  'settings': {'fanSpeed': 'auto',
                                                                                               'mode': 'heat',
                                                                                               'spCool': None,
                                                                                               'spHeat': None,
                                                                                               'vaneDir': 'auto'},
                                                                                  'time': '0000'},
                                                                            '4': {'active': False,
                                                                                  'day': '',
                                                                                  'inUse': False,
                                                                                  'lastUpdated': '2022-06-28T23:23:38.052Z',
                                                                                  'settings': {'fanSpeed': 'auto',
                                                                                               'mode': 'heat',
                                                                                               'spCool': None,
                                                                                               'spHeat': None,
                                                                                               'vaneDir': 'auto'},
                                                                                  'time': '0000'},
                                                                            '5': {'active': False,
                                                                                  'day': '',
                                                                                  'inUse': False,
                                                                                  'lastUpdated': '2022-06-28T23:23:38.053Z',
                                                                                  'settings': {'fanSpeed': 'auto',
                                                                                               'mode': 'heat',
                                                                                               'spCool': None,
                                                                                               'spHeat': None,
                                                                                               'vaneDir': 'auto'},
                                                                                  'time': '0000'},
                                                                            '6': {'active': False,
                                                                                  'day': '',
                                                                                  'inUse': False,
                                                                                  'lastUpdated': '2022-06-28T23:23:38.053Z',
                                                                                  'settings': {'fanSpeed': 'auto',
                                                                                               'mode': 'heat',
                                                                                               'spCool': None,
                                                                                               'spHeat': None,
                                                                                               'vaneDir': 'auto'},
                                                                                  'time': '0000'},
                                                                            '7': {'active': False,
                                                                                  'day': '',
                                                                                  'inUse': False,
                                                                                  'lastUpdated': '2022-06-28T23:23:38.053Z',
                                                                                  'settings': {'fanSpeed': 'auto',
                                                                                               'mode': 'heat',
                                                                                               'spCool': None,
                                                                                               'spHeat': None,
                                                                                               'vaneDir': 'auto'},
                                                                                  'time': '0000'},
                                                                            '8': {'active': False,
                                                                                  'day': '',
                                                                                  'inUse': False,
                                                                                  'lastUpdated': '2022-06-28T23:23:37.643Z',
                                                                                  'settings': {'fanSpeed': 'auto',
                                                                                               'mode': 'heat',
                                                                                               'spCool': None,
                                                                                               'spHeat': None,
                                                                                               'vaneDir': 'auto'},
                                                                                  'time': '0000'},
                                                                            '9': {'active': False,
                                                                                  'day': '',
                                                                                  'inUse': False,
                                                                                  'lastUpdated': '2022-06-28T23:23:37.643Z',
                                                                                  'settings': {'fanSpeed': 'auto',
                                                                                               'mode': 'heat',
                                                                                               'spCool': None,
                                                                                               'spHeat': None,
                                                                                               'vaneDir': 'auto'},
                                                                                  'time': '0000'}},
                                                   'prohibits': {'effective': {'mode': False,
                                                                               'power': False,
                                                                               'setpoint': False},
                                                                 'global': {'mode': False,
                                                                            'power': False,
                                                                            'setpoint': False},
                                                                 'local': {'mode': False,
                                                                           'power': False,
                                                                           'setpoint': False}},
                                                   'prohibitsChanged': 0,
                                                   'reportedCondition': {'_created': 1656458759298,
                                                                         'active_thermistor': None,
                                                                         'actual_fan_speed': None,
                                                                         'air_direction': 2,
                                                                         'device_serial': '...',
                                                                         'fan_speed': 0,
                                                                         'id': '2253496596888539',
                                                                         'it_status': None,
                                                                         'more': {'air_direction_text': 'Position '
                                                                                  'fan_speed_text': 'Auto',
                                                                                  'operation_mode_text': 'Cool',
                                                                                  'power_on': True},
                                                                         'operation_mode': 3,
                                                                         'out_of_use': None,
                                                                         'power': 1,
                                                                         'prohibit_local_remote_control': None,
                                                                         'raw_frames': None,
                                                                         'record_time': '2022-06-28T23:25:15.068Z',
                                                                         'room_temp': 26,
                                                                         'room_temp_a': None,
                                                                         'room_temp_beyond': None,
                                                                         'rssi': -37,
                                                                         'run_test': 0,
                                                                         'seconds_since_contact': 44,
                                                                         'set_temp': None,
                                                                         'set_temp_a': None,
                                                                         'sp_auto': -1,
                                                                         'sp_cool': 24.5,
                                                                         'sp_heat': 21.5,
                                                                         'status_display': {'defrost': False,
                                                                                            'filter': False,
                                                                                            'hot_adjust': False,
                                                                                            'standby': False},
                                                                         'temp_source': None,
                                                                         'two_figures_code': 'A0',
                                                                         'unusual_figures': 32768},
                                                   'reportedInitialSettings': {'assigned_settings': {},
                                                                               'auto_fan': 0,
                                                                               'defrost': 0,
                                                                               'electric_heater1': 0,
                                                                               'electric_heater2': 0,
                                                                               'energy_save': 0,
                                                                               'filter_alerts': 0,
                                                                               'filter_type': 0,
                                                                               'frost_temp': 0,
                                                                               'heating_offset': 0,
                                                                               'humidifier': 0,
                                                                               'humidifier_modifier': 0,
                                                                               'leftovers_settings': {'12': 0,
                                                                                                      '14': 0,
                                                                                                      '18': 0,
                                                                                                      '19': 0,
                                                                                                      '2': 0,
                                                                                                      '20': 0,
                                                                                                      '21': 0,
                                                                                                      '22': 0,
                                                                                                      '26': 0,
                                                                                                      '28': 0,
                                                                                                      '29': 0,
                                                                                                      '30': 0,
                                                                                                      '31': 0,
                                                                                                      '6': 0},
                                                                               'oscillate': 0,
                                                                               'pla_outlets': 0,
                                                                               'pressure1': 0,
                                                                               'pressure2': 0,
                                                                               'restart_after_outage': 0,
                                                                               'thermal_off1': 0,
                                                                               'thermal_off2': 0,
                                                                               'vent_air': 0,
                                                                               'voltage': 0},
                                                   'reportedProfile': {'display_setting_temp_of_dry': True,
                                                                       'fan_speed_stages': 5,
                                                                       'has_air_direction': True,
                                                                       'has_auto_fan_speed': True,
                                                                       'has_dry_function': True,
                                                                       'has_extended_temp_range': True,
                                                                       'has_heat_function': True,
                                                                       'has_swing_direction': True,
                                                                       'has_test_run': False,
                                                                       'has_unit_function_setting': False,
                                                                       'has_ventilation_function': True,
                                                                       'maximum_auto_temp': 31,
                                                                       'maximum_cool_or_dry_temp': 31,
                                                                       'maximum_heat_temp': 31,
                                                                       'minimum_auto_temp': 16,
                                                                       'minimum_cool_or_dry_temp': 16,
                                                                       'minimum_heat_temp': 10},
                                                   'roomTempOffset': 0,
                                                   'rssi': {'image': 'images/signal-verystrong-ondark-50x50.svg',
                                                            'rssi': -36,
                                                            'string': 'Very '
                                                   'sendDesiredConditionsPending': False,
                                                   'sendDesiredConditionsTime': '2022-05-11T03:31:18.496Z',
                                                   'serial': '....',
                                                   'systemChangeoverEnabled': False,
                                                   'systemChangeoverSettings': {'masterZone': {'activeMode': '__ungettable',
                                                                                               'disable': 'notset',
                                                                                               'durActive': '__ungettable',
                                                                                               'durInactive': '__ungettable',
                                                                                               'maxStandby': 180,
                                                                                               'minRuntime': 20},
                                                                                'priority': 1},
                                                   'timezone': 'America/Chicago',
                                                   'unconfigured': True,
                                                   'unitType': None}}}],
  'id': '1638328974468-1841099155',
  'label': 'Home',
  'lastScheduleChange': 0,
  'lastUpdate': 1656554438831,
  'level': 1,
  'v1.2+': 1,
  'version': 260,
  'zoneTable': {}},
 'no device token']
dlarrick commented 2 years ago

Thanks for that. I've compared it with my own file and it's not all that different. You have 'unconfigured': True, and I have a non-None unitType though.

I don't have a KumoStation to verify what those look like. Maybe @brgaulin can chime in here. What we need is to be able to distinguish valid indoor units like this one from the KumoStation units. unitType seems good when it works, but evidently we need something else too -- maybe if the unit has a non-empty fan_speed_stages in reportedProfile? That would indicate it's at least a device that moves air.

galak commented 2 years ago

Thanks for that. I've compared it with my own file and it's not all that different. You have 'unconfigured': True, and I have a non-None unitType though.

I tried re-configuring the unit with Kumo App yesterday, and got pretty much the same JSON. Not sure what the unconfigured: True is coming from. Odd that this changed recently. In the Kumo App it shows the unit as 'Ducted' which is clearly not correct. Do you have any older JSON dumps? Wondering if something new/different with a newer firmware version (what firmwareVersion do you have) ?

Do you mind posting your sanitized JSON?

I don't have a KumoStation to verify what those look like. Maybe @brgaulin can chime in here. What we need is to be able to distinguish valid indoor units like this one from the KumoStation units. unitType seems good when it works, but evidently we need something else too -- maybe if the unit has a non-empty fan_speed_stages in reportedProfile? That would indicate it's at least a device that moves air.

Would be nice to see a JSON dump for the KumoStation case.

J-T-W commented 2 years ago

Here's the dump of my json output. Reporting unitType: mvz kumo_cache.json.txt

From the https://community.home-assistant.io/t/mitsubishi-kumo-cloud-integration/121508/368 chain:

For the unit with unitType of mvz, what does that represent in your installation?

Not sure I understand the question, but I have but one single zone indoor central ducted unit.

EricE commented 2 years ago

Apologies if this is unrelated, upgrading to 3.0a today in HACs broke my dashboards, reverting to 2.8 brought them back. I have a 5 ton MXZ VRF system with 5 air handlers, unitTypes are an mvz, 3 of sez and a pead. I have the wall temp sensors, no thermostats. The JSON file was updated 6/4/22. kumo_cache.json.txt

kelchm commented 2 years ago

Apologies if this is unrelated, upgrading to 3.0a today in HACs broke my dashboards, reverting to 2.8 brought them back.

I ran into a similar issue when updating to 0.3.0a. I could see the data being retrieved for my SVZ air handler, but no associated entity was created.

dlarrick commented 2 years ago

@J-T-W and @EricE thanks for those. I'd still like to see what a kumo_cache.json looks like in a system with a Kumo Station, but it seems to me that looking for units with fan_speed_stages will cover all the cases reported in this thread. If a unit has fan speed stages it's very likely to be a head unit of some kind so I think this is a decent solution.

dlarrick commented 2 years ago

Hmm examining the code more closely it's easier than that: it's already assuming in one spot that unidentified units are indoor units. It's just when retrieving the list of indoor units, it's making a different assumption.

dlarrick commented 2 years ago

@galak @J-T-W @EricE please update your pykumo library to v0.2.3 (pushed today) and report back if that fixes the problem for you. Assuming it does I'll make a new hass-kumo release to pick it up.

J-T-W commented 2 years ago

Sorry if I', being dense here - what files under HA's .\ config\custom_components\kumo am I to download and replace?

dlarrick commented 2 years ago

If you don't know how to upgrade a Python package manually in whatever install type you have, you can edit manifest.json to require 0.2.3 ("requirements": ["pykumo==0.2.3"],) and restart HA.

J-T-W commented 2 years ago

Updated file, restarted HA, and now climate object is back and reporting as expected.

galak commented 2 years ago

Looks like 0.2.3 works for me.

dlarrick commented 2 years ago

Great, thanks guys. I have tagged a new version of hass-kumo for HACS and am closing this issue.