dlbeer / quirc

QR decoder library
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Detecting QRs with rounded postion patterns #116

Open camposm opened 2 years ago

camposm commented 2 years ago

Hi! I'm trying to decode QRs generated by Android to share wifi credentials but the rounded corners in the position patterns prevent it. It seems that quirc misdetec grid size, causing the wrong points to be sampled.

If I manually correct the markers, detection works as expected:

Any suggestions on how to tackle this? Thanks!

dlbeer commented 2 years ago

Apart from generating the QR codes with square cells, the only thing I could suggest might be to try a different library for this use. Quirc is better at dealing with odd angles and perspectives than most other libraries, but on the other hand it's less tolerant of deviations from the specification.

Having said that, if anyone has any modifications to the identification algorithm that don't hinder its ability to recognize square codes in other scenarios, I'd be happy to accept them.

camposm commented 2 years ago

I tried using zxing and it works but this one is not really suitable for small embedded devices.. Thank you for the help!