dlech / Keebuntu

KeePass 2.x plugins that provide Ubuntu (Unity) integration
117 stars 5 forks source link

ArchLinux compatibility #3

Closed Psykar closed 10 years ago

Psykar commented 10 years ago

These appear to be incompatible with the latest version of keepass, I get an error message on launch. Unsure if this just means they need to be re-compiled? Can you give some basic build instructions in the readme perhaps?

Thanks :D

dlech commented 10 years ago

What distro are us using? What version of keepass? Did you install from the keebuntu plugins from the ppa?

Psykar commented 10 years ago

Yeah, terrible bug report I apologize :\

Distro: ArchLinux DM: Cinnamon 2.0.12 Keepass: 2.24-1

Obviously this means I could not install via the PPA - but I downloaded the deb files, extracted the dlls, put them in /usr/share/keepass/ keepass2-plugin-application-indicator_0.3.2-2~ppa1~saucy1_all.deb keepass2-plugin-application-menu_0.2.8-2~ppa1~saucy1_all.deb Together with the icon files (although the error message implies that it wasn't at the point of checking for those yet anyway)

Upon restarting keepass, they were recognised, but apparently not valid for that version.

Fair call if this is too much to actually support, but I believe it was mentioned that these plugins would be compatible with cinnamon as well as unity (although to be fair, perhaps not 2.x given they've removed a bunch of gnome stuff)

dlech commented 10 years ago

The application menu plugin won't do anything since your aren't running Ubuntu's Unity desktop, so you can throw that one out. The application indicator should work with Cinnamon though, although I have not tried it with 2.0 yet. You also need the libappindicator0.1-cli package from debian. I don't know if there would be an equivalent package in arch since application indicators are also (originally) a ubuntu unitiy thing.

If it still doesn't work, run keepass with mono KeePass.exe --debug and I think it might give us a better error message.

Psykar commented 10 years ago

Ah, if it requires http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libappindicator0.1-cil Then I think I'm out of luck. Wierd typo there though, cil = command line interface :\

I've got libappindicator and lib32-appindicator installed though: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/libappindicator/ https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/lib32-libappindicator/

Could not load file or assembly 'DBus, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies.
  at KeePass.Plugins.PluginManager.LoadPlugins (System.IO.FileInfo[] vFiles, System.String strTypeName, System.String strDisplayFilePath, Boolean bSkipCacheFiles) [0x00000] in :0 
Void LoadPlugins(System.IO.FileInfo[], System.String, System.String, Boolean)

Thanks anyway :)

dlech commented 10 years ago

Ah, if it requires...

Yes, that is the one. Looks like it has some other -cil dependencies as well. If you extract the dlls out of all of them and put them in the same directory as, then it would probably work. Some should be provided by mono already though.

Wierd typo there though, cil = command line interface :\

cli also = common language infrastructure - the sad part is I looked it up to be sure and I still typed it wrong.

Could not load file or assembly 'DBus...

There are two more dlls (DBus and ImageMagick) in my package that need to be extracted as well.

Psykar commented 10 years ago

Mild success! That actually did add a tray icon! I can mousewheel it! It just doesn't actually have an icon... I assume I'm missing something simple though? I did get the following:

(KeePass:26909): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: gsignal.c:2475: signal 'child-added' is invalid for instance '0x27727d0' of type 'GtkMenu'

I've actually packed this into an arch package, which contains the following (slightly different paths to Ubuntu, moved icons to Adwaita as that's the default main theme used by Cinnamon, but hicolor didn't work either) Hopefully can script up the extracting of the various required files from all the debs on launchpad, unless you have a better suggestion - then can publish it to the AUR.

The files contained - in case I'm missing something obvious for the icons:

[louis@PsykarBox final]$ pacman -Ql keebuntu
keebuntu /keebuntu.tar.gz
keebuntu /usr/
keebuntu /usr/share/
keebuntu /usr/share/doc/
keebuntu /usr/share/doc/keepass2-plugin-application-indicator/
keebuntu /usr/share/doc/keepass2-plugin-application-indicator/changelog.Debian.gz
keebuntu /usr/share/doc/keepass2-plugin-application-indicator/copyright
keebuntu /usr/share/doc/keepass2-plugin-libdbus/
keebuntu /usr/share/doc/keepass2-plugin-libdbus/README.Debian
keebuntu /usr/share/doc/keepass2-plugin-libdbus/changelog.Debian.gz
keebuntu /usr/share/doc/keepass2-plugin-libdbus/copyright
keebuntu /usr/share/doc/keepass2-plugin-libimagemagick/
keebuntu /usr/share/doc/keepass2-plugin-libimagemagick/changelog.Debian.gz
keebuntu /usr/share/doc/keepass2-plugin-libimagemagick/copyright
keebuntu /usr/share/icons/
keebuntu /usr/share/icons/Adwaita/
keebuntu /usr/share/icons/Adwaita/256x256/
keebuntu /usr/share/icons/Adwaita/256x256/apps/
keebuntu /usr/share/icons/Adwaita/256x256/apps/keepass2-locked.png
keebuntu /usr/share/keepass/
keebuntu /usr/share/keepass/plugins/
keebuntu /usr/share/keepass/plugins/keebuntu/
keebuntu /usr/share/keepass/plugins/keebuntu/DBus.dll
keebuntu /usr/share/keepass/plugins/keebuntu/ImageMagick.dll
keebuntu /usr/share/keepass/plugins/keebuntu/ImageMagick.dll.config
keebuntu /usr/share/keepass/plugins/keebuntu/KeebuntuAppIndicator.dll
[louis@PsykarBox final]$ 
dlech commented 10 years ago

hicolor is the correct directory. It is the default fallback if an icon for the current theme is not found. So, /usr/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/keepass2-locked.png is the correct path.

I have confirmed that it works in Arch (having never used Arch and installing from scratch, that was quite a chore).

The error message is probably this and the fix has not made it into arch yet.

For building an AUR package, I would suggest building from source. I'll leave it to you to create the PKGBUILD, but here is roughly the command line equivelant:

# get the source package from github.
wget https://github.com/dlech/Keebuntu/archive/v0.3.2.tar.gz
tar -xvf v0.3.2.tar.gz
# fixup some directories
sed -i 's|/usr/lib/share/keepass2|/usr/share/keepass|' KeePassExe.csproj
sed -i 's/libMagickWand.so.5/libMagickWand.so.6.Q16HDRI.so' KeePassExe.csproj
# build
xbuild /property:Configuration=Release ApplicationIndicator/KeebuntuAppIndicatorExt.cs
# files will be in ApplicationIndicator/bin/Release
Psykar commented 10 years ago

Aah the first build of arch would have been fun. Well and above what you needed to do, but thanks!

I've made a pkgbuild which compiles from source, but seems to still not have an icon - seems like it might be something to do with libMagickWand ?

Thanks for the xbuild command - that's pretty much all that was I was missing to build from source (haven't done much with mono myself)

# This is an example PKGBUILD file. Use this as a start to creating your own,
# and remove these comments. For more information, see 'man PKGBUILD'.
# NOTE: Please fill out the license field for your package! If it is unknown,
# then please put 'unknown'.

# See http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/VCS_PKGBUILD_Guidelines
# for more information on packaging from GIT sources.

# Maintainer: Louis des Landes <removed>
pkgdesc="Adds an app indicator icon for keepass (for unity & cinnamon)"



build() {
  cd "$srcdir"
  msg "Connecting to GIT server...."

  if [[ -d "$_gitname" ]]; then
    cd "$_gitname" && git pull origin
    msg "The local files are updated."
    git clone "$_gitroot" "$_gitname"

  msg "GIT checkout done or server timeout"
  msg "Starting build..."

  rm -rf "$srcdir/$_gitname-build"
  git clone "$srcdir/$_gitname" "$srcdir/$_gitname-build"
  cd "$srcdir/$_gitname-build"

  sed -i 's|/usr/lib/keepass2|/usr/share/keepass|' KeePassExe.proj
  sed -i 's|libMagickWand.so.5|libMagickWand-6.Q16HDRI.so|' ImageMagick/ImageMagick.dll.config
  xbuild /property:Configuration=Release ApplicationIndicator/AppIndicatorPlugin.csproj

package() {
  cd "$srcdir/$_gitname-build"
  # Copy stuff across manually
  mkdir -p $pkgdir/$keepassdir
  mkdir -p $pkgdir/usr/share/$icondir
  cp ApplicationIndicator/bin/Release/* $pkgdir/$keepassdir
  cp ApplicationIndicator/Resources/$icondir/* $pkgdir/usr/share/$icondir/
  rm $pkgdir/$keepassdir/KeePass.*

# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:
dlech commented 10 years ago

I am not sure why it is not working for you. I made a few adjustments to your package. License is GPL2, added a few dependencies and added a directory level under usr/share/keepass.

pkgdesc="Adds an app indicator icon for keepass (for unity & cinnamon)"



build() {
  cd "$srcdir"
  msg "Connecting to GIT server...."

  if [[ -d "$_gitname" ]]; then
    cd "$_gitname" && git pull origin
    msg "The local files are updated."
    git clone "$_gitroot" "$_gitname"

  msg "GIT checkout done or server timeout"
  msg "Starting build..."

  rm -rf "$srcdir/$_gitname-build"
  git clone "$srcdir/$_gitname" "$srcdir/$_gitname-build"
  cd "$srcdir/$_gitname-build"

  sed -i 's|/usr/lib/keepass2|/usr/share/keepass|' KeePassExe.proj
  sed -i 's|libMagickWand.so.5|libMagickWand-6.Q16HDRI.so|' ImageMagick/ImageMagick.dll.config
  xbuild /property:Configuration=Release ApplicationIndicator/AppIndicatorPlugin.csproj

package() {
  cd "$srcdir/$_gitname-build"
  # Copy stuff across manually
  mkdir -p $pkgdir/$keepassdir
  mkdir -p $pkgdir/usr/share/$icondir
  cp ApplicationIndicator/bin/Release/* $pkgdir/$keepassdir
  cp ApplicationIndicator/Resources/$icondir/* $pkgdir/usr/share/$icondir/
  rm $pkgdir/$keepassdir/KeePass.*

# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:
dlech commented 10 years ago

Also, here is a list of all the packages I have installed. I installed monodevleop to do some debugging and it had quite a few dependencies that may be making the difference.

accountsservice 0.6.35-2
acl 2.2.52-2
alsa-plugins 1.0.27-2
archlinux-keyring 20131027-1
art-sharp 2.24.2-3
at-spi2-atk 2.10.2-1
at-spi2-core 2.10.2-1
atk 2.10.0-1
attr 2.4.47-1
autoconf 2.69-1
automake 1.14-1
avahi 0.6.31-11
bash 4.2.045-5
binutils 2.23.2-3
bison 3.0.1-1
bzip2 1.0.6-5
ca-certificates 20130906-1
cairo 1.12.16-1
cantarell-fonts 0.0.15-1
caribou 0.4.11-1
cifs-utils 6.1-1
cinnamon 2.0.12-1
cinnamon-control-center 2.0.8-1
cinnamon-desktop 2.0.3-1
cinnamon-screensaver 2.0.3-3
cinnamon-session 2.0.5-1
cinnamon-settings-daemon 2.0.7-1
cinnamon-translations 2.0.2-1
cjs 2.0.0-1
cloog 0.18.1-2
clutter 1.16.2-1
clutter-gtk 1.4.4-4
cogl 1.16.0-2
colord 1.0.2-2
compositeproto 0.4.2-2
coreutils 8.21-2
cracklib 2.9.0-2
cronie 1.4.9-5
cryptsetup 1.6.2-2
curl 7.33.0-3
damageproto 1.2.1-2
db 5.3.28-1
dbus 1.6.16-1
dbus-glib 0.100.2-1
dbus-sharp 0.7.0-4
dbus-sharp-glib 0.5.0-4
dconf 0.18.0-1
desktop-file-utils 0.22-1
device-mapper 2.02.104-1
dhcpcd 6.1.0-1
diffutils 3.3-1
dirmngr 1.1.1-1
docbook-xml 4.5-5
e2fsprogs 1.42.8-2
elfutils 0.157-1
enchant 1.6.0-4
exempi 2.2.1-2
expat 2.1.0-3
fakeroot 1.20-1
fftw 3.3.3-2
file 5.15-1
filesystem 2013.05-2
findutils 4.4.2-5
firefox 25.0.1-1
fixesproto 5.0-2
flac 1.3.0-1
flex 2.5.37-1
fontconfig 2.11.0-1
fontsproto 2.1.2-1
freeglut 2.8.1-1
fuse 2.9.3-2
gawk 4.1.0-2
gc 7.2.d-2
gcc 4.8.2-4
gcc-libs 4.8.2-4
gconf 3.2.6-3
gconf-sharp 2.24.2-3
gconf-sharp-peditors 2.24.2-3
gdbm 1.10-3
gdk-pixbuf2 2.30.1-1
geoclue 0.12.99-1
giflib 5.0.5-1
glib-networking 2.38.2-1
glib2 2.38.2-1
glibc 2.18-10
glu 9.0.0-2
gmp 5.1.3-2
gnome-doc-utils 0.20.10-1
gnome-icon-theme 3.10.0-1
gnome-icon-theme-symbolic 3.10.1-1
gnome-menus 3.10.1-1
gnome-mime-data 2.18.0-6
gnome-sharp 2.24.2-3
gnome-terminal 3.10.2-1
gnome-themes-standard 3.10.0-1
gnome-vfs 2.24.4-7
gnome-vfs-sharp 2.24.2-3
gnupg 2.0.22-1
gnutls 3.2.6-1
gobject-introspection 1.38.0-1
gpgme 1.4.3-1
gpm 1.20.7-4
graphite 1:1.2.3-1
grep 2.15-1
groff 1.22.2-5
grub 2.00.5086-1
gsettings-desktop-schemas 3.10.1-1
gst-plugins-base-libs 1.2.1-1
gstreamer 1.2.1-1
gtk-sharp-2 2.12.22-1
gtk-update-icon-cache 2.24.22-1
gtk2 2.24.22-1
gtk3 3.10.4-1
guile 2.0.9-1
gvfs 1.18.3-1
gzip 1.6-1
harfbuzz 0.9.23-1
harfbuzz-icu 0.9.23-1
hicolor-icon-theme 0.12-2
hspell 1.2-1
hunspell 1.3.2-3
hwids 20130607-1
iana-etc 2.30-3
ibus 1.5.4-1
icon-naming-utils 0.8.90-2
icu 52.1-1
inputproto 2.3-1
intltool 0.50.2-1
iproute2 3.11.0-1
iptables 1.4.20-1
iputils 20121221-3
isl 0.12.1-2
iso-codes 3.44-1
jasper 1.900.1-9
jfsutils 1.1.15-4
js 17.0.0-1
js185 1.0.0-2
json-c 0.11-1
json-glib 0.16.2-1
kbd 2.0.1-1
kbproto 1.0.6-1
keebuntu-git 1-1
keepass 2.24-1
keyutils 1.5.8-1
kmod 15-1
krb5 1.11.3-1
lcms 1.19-5
lcms2 2.5-2
ldb 1.1.16-1
less 458-1
libappindicator 12.10.0-1
libarchive 3.1.2-4
libart-lgpl 2.3.21-3
libassuan 2.1.1-1
libasyncns 0.8-5
libatasmart 0.19-2
libbluray 0.4.0-1
libbonobo 2.32.1-4
libbonoboui 2.24.5-2
libbsd 0.6.0-2
libcanberra 0.30-4
libcanberra-pulse 0.30-4
libcap 2.22-5
libcap-ng 0.7.3-1
libcddb 1.3.2-4
libcdio 0.90-2
libcdio-paranoia 10.2+0.90+1-1
libcl 1.1-3
libcroco 0.6.8-1
libcups 1.7.0-2
libdaemon 0.14-2
libdatrie 0.2.6-1
libdbusmenu-glib 12.10.2-3
libdbusmenu-gtk2 12.10.2-3
libdrm 2.4.48-1
libevdev 0.4-2
libevent 2.0.21-3
libexif 0.6.21-2
libffi 3.0.13-4
libfontenc 1.1.2-1
libgcrypt 1.5.3-1
libgdiplus 2.10.9-2
libgee 0.12.0-1
libglade 2.6.4-5
libgnome 2.32.1-4
libgnome-data 2.32.1-4
libgnome-keyring 3.10.1-1
libgnome-sharp 2.24.2-3
libgnomecanvas 2.30.3-2
libgnomekbd 3.6.0-2
libgnomeui 2.24.5-1
libgpg-error 1.12-1
libgssglue 0.4-2
libgusb 0.1.6-1
libice 1.0.8-2
libidl2 0.8.14-3
libimobiledevice 1.1.5-2
libindicator 12.10.1-1
libjpeg-turbo 1.3.0-3
libksba 1.3.0-1
libldap 2.4.37-1
liblqr 0.4.2-1
libltdl 2.4.2-12
libmbim 1.4.0-1
libmpc 1.0.1-2
libnl 3.2.22-1
libnotify 0.7.6-1
libogg 1.3.1-2
libpcap 1.4.0-1
libpciaccess 0.13.2-2
libpipeline 1.2.4-1
libplist 1.10-1
libpng 1.6.6-1
libproxy 0.4.11-2
libpulse 4.0-6
libqmi 1.4.0-2
librsvg 1:2.40.1-1
libsamplerate 0.1.8-3
libsasl 2.1.26-6
libsecret 0.16-1
libsm 1.2.2-2
libsndfile 1.0.25-3
libsoup 2.44.2-1
libssh2 1.4.3-2
libtasn1 3.3-2
libthai 0.1.19-1
libtiff 4.0.3-4
libtirpc 0.2.3-2
libtool 2.4.2-12
libtracker-sparql 0.16.3-1
libunistring 0.9.3-6
libusbx 1.0.17-1
libvdpau 0.7-1
libvorbis 1.3.3-1
libvpx 1.2.0-2
libwbclient 4.1.1-1
libwebp 0.3.1-3
libx11 1.6.2-1
libxau 1.0.8-2
libxcb 1.9.1-2
libxcomposite 0.4.4-1
libxcursor 1.1.14-1
libxdamage 1.1.4-1
libxdmcp 1.1.1-1
libxext 1.3.2-1
libxfixes 5.0.1-1
libxfont 1.4.6-1
libxft 2.3.1-1
libxi 1.7.2-1
libxinerama 1.1.3-2
libxkbcommon 0.3.1-1
libxkbfile 1.0.8-1
libxklavier 5.3-1
libxml2 2.9.1-5
libxmu 1.1.2-1
libxrandr 1.4.2-2
libxrender 0.9.8-1
libxslt 1.1.28-2
libxt 1.1.4-1
libxtst 1.2.2-1
libxv 1.0.10-1
libxxf86vm 1.1.3-1
licenses 20130203-1
lightdm 1:1.8.5-1
lightdm-gtk3-greeter 1:1.6.1-1
linux 3.12-1
linux-api-headers 3.10.6-1
linux-firmware 20131013.7d0c7a8-1
llvm-libs 3.3-1
logrotate 3.8.7-1
lvm2 2.02.104-1
lzo2 2.06-3
m4 1.4.17-1
make 4.0-1
man-db 2.6.5-1
man-pages 3.54-1
mcpp 2.7.2-4
mdadm 3.3-2
mesa 9.2.3-2
mesa-libgl 9.2.3-2
mime-types 9-1
mkinitcpio 0.15.0-1
mkinitcpio-busybox 1.21.1-2
mobile-broadband-provider-info 20120614-1
modemmanager 1.0.0-1
mono 3.2.3-1
mono-addins 0.6.2-3
monodevelop 4.0.13-1
mozilla-common 1.4-3
mpfr 3.1.2.p4-1
mtdev 1.1.4-1
muffin 2.0.3-1
nano 2.2.6-2
ncurses 5.9-6
nemo 2.0.6-1
netctl 1.4-1
nettle 2.7.1-1
nspr 4.10.2-1
nss 3.15.3-1
openresolv 3.5.6-1
openssl 1.0.1.e-5
orbit2 2.14.19-2
orc 0.4.18-1
p11-kit 0.20.1-1
p7zip 9.20.1-8
pacman 4.1.2-4
pacman-mirrorlist 20130830-1
pam 1.1.8-2
pambase 20130928-1
pango 1.36.1-1
patch 2.7.1-2
pciutils 3.2.0-4
pcmciautils 018-7
pcre 8.33-2
perl 5.18.1-1
perl-error 0.17021-1
perl-xml-libxml 2.0107-1
perl-xml-namespacesupport 1.11-2
perl-xml-parser 2.41-4
perl-xml-sax 0.99-3
perl-xml-sax-base 1.08-2
perl-xml-simple 2.20-1
pinentry 0.8.3-1
pixman 0.32.4-1
pkg-config 0.28-1
polkit 0.112-1
polkit-gnome 0.105-2
popt 1.16-7
ppp 2.4.5-8
procps-ng 3.3.8-3
psmisc 22.20-1
pth 2.0.7-4
pulseaudio 4.0-6
pulseaudio-alsa 2-2
pygobject-devel 3.10.2-1
pygobject2-devel 2.28.6-9
pygtk 2.24.0-3
python-dbus-common 1.2.0-1
python2 2.7.5-2
python2-atspi 2.10.0-1
python2-beaker 1.6.4-1
python2-cairo 1.10.0-1
python2-dbus 1.2.0-1
python2-gobject 3.10.2-1
python2-gobject2 2.28.6-9
python2-lxml 3.2.3-1
python2-mako 0.9.0-1
python2-markupsafe 0.18-2
python2-pam 0.1.4-2
python2-pexpect 2.4-2
python2-pillow 2.2.1-2
python2-pyinotify 0.9.4-1
randrproto 1.4.0-1
rarian 0.8.1-3
readline 6.2.004-2
recordproto 1.14.2-1
reiserfsprogs 3.6.24-1
renderproto 0.11.1-2
rtkit 0.11-4
run-parts 4.4-1
s-nail 14.4.5-1
sbc 1.1-1
sed 4.2.2-3
shared-color-profiles 0.1.5-1
shared-mime-info 1.2-1
smbclient 4.1.1-1
sound-theme-freedesktop 0.8-1
speex 1.2rc1-4
sqlite 3.8.1-2
startup-notification 0.12-4
sudo 1.8.8-1
sysfsutils 2.1.0-8
systemd 208-2
systemd-sysvcompat 208-2
sysvinit-tools 2.88-12
talloc 2.0.8-2
tar 1.27-1
tdb 1.2.12-1
tevent 0.9.18-1
texinfo 5.2-2
ttf-dejavu 2.34-1
tzdata 2013h-1
udisks2 2.1.1-3
upower 0.9.23-2
usbmuxd 1.0.8-2
usbutils 007-1
util-linux 2.24-1
vala 0.22.1-1
vi 1:050325-3
videoproto 2.3.2-1
vim 7.4.86-1
vim-runtime 7.4.86-1
virtualbox-guest-modules 4.3.2-4
virtualbox-guest-utils 4.3.2-1
vte-common 0.34.9-1
vte3 0.34.9-1
wayland 1.3.0-1
webkitgtk 2.2.2-1
webrtc-audio-processing 0.1-1
which 2.20-6
wpa_supplicant 2.0-4
xcb-proto 1.9-1
xcb-util 0.3.9-1
xdg-utils 1.1.0.git20130520-1
xextproto 7.2.1-1
xf86-input-evdev 2.8.2-1
xf86vidmodeproto 2.3.1-2
xfsprogs 3.1.11-2
xineramaproto 1.2.1-2
xkeyboard-config 2.10.1-1
xorg-bdftopcf 1.0.4-1
xorg-font-util 1.3.0-1
xorg-font-utils 7.6-3
xorg-fonts-alias 1.0.3-1
xorg-fonts-encodings 1.0.4-3
xorg-fonts-misc 1.0.1-2
xorg-iceauth 1.0.6-1
xorg-mkfontdir 1.0.7-1
xorg-mkfontscale 1.1.1-1
xorg-server 1.14.4-1
xorg-server-common 1.14.4-1
xorg-server-utils 7.6-3
xorg-sessreg 1.0.8-1
xorg-setxkbmap 1.3.0-1
xorg-xauth 1.0.8-1
xorg-xbacklight 1.2.0-1
xorg-xcmsdb 1.0.4-1
xorg-xgamma 1.0.5-1
xorg-xhost 1.0.6-1
xorg-xinit 1.3.3-2
xorg-xinput 1.6.1-1
xorg-xkbcomp 1.2.4-1
xorg-xmodmap 1.0.8-1
xorg-xrandr 1.4.1-1
xorg-xrdb 1.1.0-1
xorg-xrefresh 1.0.5-1
xorg-xset 1.2.3-1
xorg-xsetroot 1.1.1-1
xproto 7.0.24-1
xz 5.0.5-2
zenity 3.10.0-1
zlib 1.2.8-3
dlech commented 10 years ago

Or maybe having libappindicator and lib32-appinidicator messes things up.

Psykar commented 10 years ago

I should have used namcap straight from the start....

[louis@PsykarBox pkgbuild]$ namcap -i keebuntu-git-1-1-any.pkg.tar.xz 
keebuntu-git E: Files in /usr/share/icons/hicolor but no call to gtk-update-icon-cache or xdg-icon-resource to update the icon cache
keebuntu-git W: Dependency included and not needed ('keepass')
keebuntu-git W: Dependency included and not needed ('libappindicator')
keebuntu-git W: Dependency included and not needed ('dbus-sharp')
keebuntu-git W: Dependency included and not needed ('dbus-sharp-glib')
keebuntu-git W: Dependency included and not needed ('gtk-sharp-2')
keebuntu-git I: Depends as namcap sees them: depends=(hicolor-icon-theme)
[louis@PsykarBox pkgbuild]$ 

Essentially, was missing the gtk-update-icon-cache calls.

I've got it working, and uploaded it here! https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/keebuntu-git/ Thanks :)

As an aside - this can probably also work on gnome-shell if you use this extension: https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/615/appindicator-support/

dlech commented 10 years ago

Very cool! And you are welcome.