dlech / Keebuntu

KeePass 2.x plugins that provide Ubuntu (Unity) integration
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Missing scalable light/dark icons and Indicator Applet support dropped? #71

Open Lantizia opened 4 years ago

Lantizia commented 4 years ago


So I've noticed versions 0.8.x are missing the SVG monochrome icons which'd normally be in the "breeze" and "breeze-dark" folders. When looking at the PPA... versions 0.6.x and 0.7.x seem to be the last to have them.

Without them (at least on my MATE desktop) you get badly fitting blue-coloured PNGs, rather than those nice monochrome scalable icons (which work well with light or dark themes).

Also I noticed on the PPA... https://launchpad.net/%7Edlech/+archive/ubuntu/keepass2-plugins/+packages?field.name_filter=keepass2-plugin&field.status_filter=published&field.series_filter=


The actual changelog being here... https://launchpadlibrarian.net/414463585/keepass2-plugin-ubuntu_0.7.0_source.changes

Can you confirm if "Indicator Applet" support has been intentionally dropped, and maybe if there was a rationale for this?

To my knowledge (after everyone seemingly dropped using the "Notification Area" years ago... colloquially known as "the system tray")... the "Indicator Applet" method (which afaik is AKA "AppIndicators" AKA "KStatusNotifierItem" AKA "org.kde.StatusNotifierItem")... became the dominant way to do this kind of thing. Unless someone has invented something newer yet again!

I'll stick with 0.6.1 for now as that both has Indicator Applet support and scalable monochrome icons.

dlech commented 4 years ago

"Application Indicators" are an Ubuntu Unity technology. Since Unity has gone by the wayside, support has been dropped (keepass2-plugin-application-indicator package was removed).

keepass2-plugin-status-notifier uses the KStatusNotifier technology and is still supported.

There are too many different desktop themes to include icons for all of them. See https://github.com/dlech/Keebuntu/issues/61#issuecomment-640152763 for instructions on how to use any icon you like to override the default one that ships with the extension.

Lantizia commented 4 years ago

OK I'll have to retest, but when I was trying 0.7.x or 0.8.x on Ubuntu MATE 18.04... the "status notifier item" (I'm still going to think of them as systray icons!) didn't show at all. It's likely an unrelated issue... as I've never used the "keepass2-plugin-application-indicator" package for sure.

The easiest thing to do with the icons is to just rename the ones you removed, to use a structure which is not theme-specific...

breeze-dark/status/22/keepass2-locked.svg -> hicolor/scalable/apps/keepass2-monochrome-dark-locked.svg breeze/status/22/keepass2-locked.svg -> hicolor/scalable/apps/keepass2-monochrome-light-locked.svg

This works just great as someone can then just symlink (the package could symlink the dark one by default) the one they need and reload their icon cache...

sudo ln -fs keepass2-monochrome-light-locked.svg /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/keepass2-locked.svg sudo gtk-update-icon-cache -tf /usr/share/icons/hicolor

Already tested and it works great.

Just a thought.

Lantizia commented 4 years ago

Oh by the way those filenames I'm suggesting aren't entirely arbitrary either, it's a very similar naming convention / path that KeePassXC uses. Although KeePassXC gives you an option within the app of if you want to use dark or light... where as I'm suggesting a symlink unless you want to add an option for that.

To be honest I only use the "Keebuntu Status Notifier" bit and even then I manually extract the needed bits (I don't actually install the package) to load alongside the absurdly hideous fork of KeePass2 created by "Pleasant" which I sadly have to use at work... but it does (barely) work under mono still... I also grab KeeOtp as well (although that's looks semi-discontinued now).