dlech / bleak-winrt

Python binding for WinRT for Bleak
MIT License
10 stars 3 forks source link

Build fail #6

Open Raidfire-SDR opened 2 months ago

Raidfire-SDR commented 2 months ago

Build fails each time searching for VS build tools, incrementally installed from vs2015-present, no joy.

Building wheel for stringcase (setup.py) ... done Created wheel for stringcase: filename=stringcase-1.2.0-py3-none-any.whl size=3581 sha256=905cf2131d53779c396a6873adfcfae108ea089b3a5b5183c1f5649a432dffe6 Stored in directory: c:\users\raidf\appdata\local\pip\cache\wheels\37\76\84\09143757ac9846675769f3649fc2aa936ec40255783a23ba52 Successfully built betterproto grpclib stringcase Failed to build bleak-winrt

dlech commented 2 months ago

This isn't enough information to reproduce the problem. Also going forward this package is superseded by PyWinRT 2.0.

Raidfire-SDR commented 2 months ago

reproduction steps - win11 latest insider with pre releases, py 3.12 from ms store, all installed, defaults, download open gopro, which is a huge project with scripts running into the 10's of thousands and a user base of similar size, the Pywinrt is baked hard into the installer and functionality of open go pro, i am not tempted to try to replace it with v2, the mess that would create is much more labor intensive than fixing a component.

MS store install py3.12 pip install open-goppro (pip install bleak-winrt also fails on same wheel issue)

dlech commented 2 months ago

I don't have any plans to update bleak-winrt for Python 3.12. It's not a trivial task.

Changing from bleak-winrt to PyWinRT 2.0 is not so bad. Just replace bleak-winrt with winrt in imports and update the dependencies
