dleutnant / swmmr

R Interface for US EPA's SWMM
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The inp file is not updated in the step of "set new parameters and update inp object" during calibration process #61

Closed CChaoE17 closed 3 years ago

CChaoE17 commented 3 years ago

Hi, all,

I am working on my model calibration using the swmmr package. Firstly, I run the example script provided by Dominik on website and it works well, the Perc_Imperv parameter can be updated in new inp file during calibration. However, when I change the parameter to 'N_Imperv', 'N_Perv', 'S_Imperv', and 'S_Perv', from inp$subareas, the code can also work but the inp file did not get updated values of these parameters, rather, the value of 'Percentage Routed' changed even it is not the calibrated parameter. I also tried to calibrate the width parameter and it can get updated value for new inp file during process. I guess 'Perc_Imperv' and 'Width' are parameters from inp$subcatchments, so they can get updated value, however, the parameter from inp$subareas cannot get. I have no idea about this problem. The following are my script. If any of you happen to know what the problem is, please give me some ideas. Thank you. library(swmmr) library(DEoptim)

inp_file <- system.file("extdata", "Example1.inp", package = "swmmr", mustWork = TRUE)

both rpt and out files are temporary files

tmp_rpt_file <- tempfile() tmp_out_file <- tempfile()

initiate the simulation

swmm_files <- run_swmm( inp = inp_file, rpt = tmp_rpt_file, out = tmp_out_file )

obs <- read_out( file = swmm_files$out, iType = 1, object_name = "18", vIndex = 4 )[["18"]]$total_inflow

read model structure

inp <- read_inp(swmm_files$inp)

show the original parameter values

inp$subcatchments inp$subareas inp$infiltration

function calculates the goodness of fit value

input x is a two column xts object, col1: obs, col2: sim

nse <- function(x) { 1 - sum((x[, 1] - x[, 2]) ^ 2) / sum((x[, 1] - mean(x[, 1])) ^ 2) }

obj_fun <- function(x, inp, obs) {

set new parameters and update inp object

inp$subareas <- transform( inp$subareas,S_Imperv = x )

out_dir <- "C:\Users\yeche\Documents\R_script\Tempfile"

write new inp file to disk, I want to see the updated inp file, so I changed the path

tmp_inp <- file.path(out_dir, "Example1_con.inp") write_inp(inp, file.path(out_dir, "Example1_con.inp"))

run swmm with new parameter set

swmm_files <- suppressMessages(run_swmm(tmp_inp, stdout = NULL))

read sim result

sim <- read_out( file = swmm_files$out, # path to out file iType = 1, # type: node object_name = "18", # name of node vIndex = 4 # parameter at node: total inflow )[["18"]]$total_inflow # directly access to xts object

calculate goodness-of-fit

note: multiply by minus one to have a real min problem (nse: +1 to -Inf)

nse(merge(obs, sim)) * -1 }

set.seed(1234) # to get reproducible results

calibration_res <- DEoptim( fn = obj_fun, lower = c(0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05), upper = c(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5), control = list( itermax = 20, # maximum iterations trace = 5, # print progress every 10th iteration packages = c("swmmr"), # export packages to optimization environment parVar = c("nse"), # export function to optimization environment parallelType = 0 # set to 1 to use all available cores ), inp = inp, # 'inp' object obs = obs # xts object containing observation data )


joelnc commented 3 years ago

Hi Chao,

As mentioned on the SWMM list, there are many different ways to subset/swap values in a data frame. Below, I use within rather than transform. But assuming your upper and lower bounds correspond to slope, pct. imp., impervious n and previous n, the code below works for me with the rest of your example.

Also note the parameter names in subcatchments have underscores (Perc_Slope), while the ones in subareas have hyphens (N-Perv).

obj_fun <- function(x, inp, obs) {

    ## inp$subareas <- transform(
    ##     inp$subareas,
    ##     S_Imperv = x
    ## )

    inp$subcatchments <- within(inp$subcatchments, {
        Perc_Slope <-  x[1]
        Perc_Imperv <- x[2]

    inp$subareas <- within(inp$subareas, {
        "N-Imperv" <-  x[3]
        "N-Perv" <-  x[4]

I also made another slight modification in obj_fun to run on my system:

    tmp_inp <- tempfile()
    ## out_dir <- "C:\Users\yeche\Documents\R_script\Tempfile"
    ## tmp_inp <- file.path(out_dir, "Example1_con.inp")
    write_inp(inp, tmp_inp)

Does this help?

CChaoE17 commented 3 years ago

Hi, Joel Your code and suggestion works really well. I can see the updated values of calibrated parameter in new inp file now. And your suggestion also solve my multiparameter calibration problem. Thank you so much. I really appreciate your help. Best wishes, Chao

thwald commented 2 years ago

Dear @joelnc, could you please (or someone else) help me out with a question related to this issue? I'm intending to autocalibrate my model (multiparameter optimization) and have been practicing with the shipped Example 1. I tried to adapt the script to my model following to your suggestions above. My main difficulty so far is defining the boundary vectors upper and lower correctly. It is not clear to me in which order the max and min values have to be entered so that DEoptim assignes them to the respective parameter correctly.

I would like to practice autocalibrating the shipped Example without the condition subcatchments$Area > 10 as given in the vignette. Referring to the example above, your suggestion for the objection function was:

obj_fun <- function(x, inp, obs) {
    inp$subcatchments <- within(inp$subcatchments, {
        Perc_Slope <-  x[1]
        Perc_Imperv <- x[2]
    inp$subareas <- within(inp$subareas, {
        "N-Imperv" <-  x[3]
        "N-Perv" <-  x[4]

The boundaries in the script of @CChaoE17 - the same boundaries for all parameters, if I understood it correctly - made it a bit difficult to relate the parameters.

lower = c(0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05),
upper = c(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5),

If I wanted DEoptim to respect e.g. the following boundaries, how would I have to specify the boundary vectors?

Perc_Slope: [0.005, 0.02] Perc_Imperv: [0, 70] N-Imperv: [0.0005, 0.005] N-Perv: [0.01, 0.5]

Are the specified boundaries then applied to all subcatchments? I've been spending a lot of time trying to figure it out and would greatly appreciate any help! Thank you.