dlight / proceed

2d procedural generation experiments
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References on gamedev, Blender and CG #3

Open dlight opened 5 years ago

dlight commented 5 years ago

Here I'll put some gamedev and computer graphics references. Also Blender stuff, and map editing tools.

For things that use Blender, I put the year (and if possible the Blender version) in parenthesis. I'll also mark video stuff (but generally I avoid video resources).

dlight commented 5 years ago

Rigging in Blender:

dlight commented 5 years ago

Useful sites and subreddits:

dlight commented 5 years ago

Blender as a 2D game level editor – Proof Of Concept (2012)

dlight commented 5 years ago

Complete Blender Game Art Tutorial. From zero experience to 2D or 3D game ready asset (2013, 2.65)

dlight commented 5 years ago

Blender hotkeys & cheat cheet: