dlilien / ImpDAR

An impulse radar processor
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phase_uncertainty() in ApRES tutorial #48

Open neoshanarayanan opened 2 days ago

neoshanarayanan commented 2 days ago

Hi, I'm using Impdar for the first time and trying to process some ApRES data. In the example notebooks on the Impdar documentation, both the uncertainty and phase coherence sections use the method phase_uncertainty() which is supposed return two values, phi_unc and r_unc. However, phase_uncertainty() doesn't actually return anything (returns NoneType). Has this method been deprecated, or is there another way to do this? Thanks!

dlilien commented 2 days ago

Hi Neosha, We never fully got documentation together for the ApRES side of things. Too many things to do...

phase_uncertainty isn't deprecated, it just now has no returns and instead adds an "uncertainty" property to the object it is called on. So, that example should really just have apres_data.phase_uncertainty(bed_range) where the bed_range is used in estimating the noise floor. then apres_data2.uncertainty will be defined, and will be the phase uncertainty.

For the r_uncertainty, you will want to use apres_data.range_diff(uncertainty = 'CR') or apres_data.range_diff(uncertainty = 'noise_phasor'). Either way, the range uncertainty will then be defined in apres_data.w_err.

Hopefully @benhills can correct anything I screwed up here, since he is the one who wrote these routines.

benhills commented 2 days ago

I am sorry. This is all a mess. David explained it correctly, it is just that I never updated that notebook.

Neosha, were you able to load the data at least? In some work with another student I realized that BAS had a new data format which I wasn't able to load by default. I had it on my to do list to write a new reader but got caught up in other things.

If you are able to load the data then we can relatively easily do a workaround on the notebook and I can update that soon.