dlinzhao / JSNet

JSNet: Joint Instance and Semantic Segmentation of 3D Point Clouds, AAAI2020
MIT License
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Questions about visualization of prediction results #5

Open Noahjianlong opened 4 years ago

Noahjianlong commented 4 years ago

Hi, thank you for your contribution to the open source cause.I would like to ask the prediction results file generated nine dimensional vector TXT file, what is their meaning?How do you make it as visual as in the paper?

dlinzhao commented 4 years ago

Each row in the results includes coordinates (xyz), colors (rgb), semantic confidence, semantic categories, instance identifies. As for the visualization, you can add a parameter --verbose at testing.

Noahjianlong commented 4 years ago

Each row in the results includes coordinates (xyz), colors (rgb), semantic confidence, semantic categories, instance identifies. As for the visualization, you can add a parameter --verbose at testing.

I see. Thank you for your prompt reply