dllmusic / moDllz

VCV Rack plugins
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MIDIpolyMDE Crashes VCVRack on save. #19

Closed Logos-Coder closed 4 years ago

Logos-Coder commented 4 years ago

MIDIpolyMDE crashes VCVRack after a file has been saved once, VCV has been closed, then opened again, then on any consecutive saves or exiting (saving the autosave). I am not sure what causes this, but I do know it this plugin.



OS: Debian 10 (buster) kernel: 4.19.0-6 DE: xfce4 12 VCVRack: 1.1.5 Jack2 with pulseaudio passtrough

dllmusic commented 4 years ago

Thanks for reporting. I'll try to find the issue... (I cannot reproduce this on Mac though.)... but I will revise the code

Logos-Coder commented 4 years ago

I tried this on a clean Fedora vm and a clean Debian vm, and I did not run into a crash. So actually it is some weird edge case with the way my computer is setup. I will let you know what is wrong once I find out but you probably don't have to change anything.

dllmusic commented 4 years ago

Ah! good to know. ... I was googling that segmentation error 11 on Linux and sometimes it's related to hardware or corrupted libraries. I also know that in many Win machines the auto-save / auto open crashes (but it works fine after 2 or 3 retries...without changing anything ) (?) Anyway let me know if you encounter issues. Thank you.

Logos-Coder commented 4 years ago

I just logged in to my VCV account on the Debian vm, downloaded all the plugins, then the issue appeared. It seems to be some plugin conflicting with yours???? I don't know. 😕

FYI I built the plugin from scratch without installing anything else on the vm's until now.

dllmusic commented 4 years ago

Ok...I will check the code for bad pointers that could produce segmentation errors (..may be related to the midi driver)... I will do this later because I'm working on a project until Nov. Thanks!

dllmusic commented 4 years ago

Whenever (and if you can)...you could help me out by checking my other module: MIDI dual CV, because it uses the same Midi driver... so if that one doesn't crash, it means that the issue is not on the Midi driver...(and viceversa). Thank you.

Logos-Coder commented 4 years ago

No Problem! I'll try to find something myself (if I can) and submit a pull request.

Rcomian commented 4 years ago

Was having the same issue, took a while to track down. Looks like only 6 outputs were being reserved for the MM outputs, but 8 were being written.


dllmusic commented 4 years ago

Thank you to Jim Rcomian!! I hope plugin is stable now. I already updated to 1.1.7 and it should be on Rack soon

Rcomian commented 4 years ago

No problem, this is why I like open source, hoping this comment doesn't reopen the bug ...

Logos-Coder commented 4 years ago

Thank you for finding this! I'm sorry I couldn't help I Just couldn't get a good debug environment, and Things got busy so I didn't have time.