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VCV Rack plugins
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PolyGlider parameters not properly initialized when working in VST mode #29

Open bl-nero opened 3 weeks ago

bl-nero commented 3 weeks ago

This issue is specific to running PolyGlider in VCV Rack 2 Pro that is used as a virtual instrument. It affects Logic Pro, but I suspect it also affects other DAWs.

  1. Create a track in Logic Pro and use Rack 2 as the instrument.
  2. Use PolyGlider to create a smooth transition between two pitches.
  3. Close, save, and reopen the project.
  4. Play the music.

Expected result: there's a smooth transition. Actual result: the transitions are sharp, just as if the knobs were left in the default positions. Workaround: open the VST window, thus showing the VCV Rack UI. The transitions are back to smooth again.

My guess is that the module doesn't take into consideration that it can be run without showing the UI. I noticed that fields like riseknob and fallknob are written to only from the widget code. (Please note that I'm not familiar with rack modules development, so take my diagnosis with a grain of salt.)