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Service Request by Emma Rogers and David Lounsbury - MONITORING Feedback/QI field relabeling #23

Closed dlounsbu closed 2 years ago

dlounsbu commented 3 years ago

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dlounsbu commented 3 years ago

Hi Tim and David,


Hope all is well. I met with Nasim and Erin this morning about the best place for the Research Coordinators to add notes from coaching calls in the tracker. Currently, they are taking notes in separate word/Google documents and emailing them to the county teams. Ideally they would put them in the tracker. It looks like this could happen in the Feedback/QI section or under each milestone. However, neither seems exactly right. The Feedback/QI fields do not perfectly align with the coaching discussion and an ongoing list of notes within the milestones could be challenging to follow as I believe the notes will just be a long running list. Also, I believe there isn't much that can be done for this, but I've heard the tracker is a little slow in making updates. This makes it hard to update information in real time.


Can we meet next Wednesday to discuss? I'm available from 9AM - 10AM and 11AM - 12PM.  Please let me know if this works for your schedules.


Tim - we might also consider getting rid of the weekly CEF form and asking the CEFs to make updates in the tracker. This will mean all information is in one place for the coaching teams to review.







Emma Rodgers, MS
Director of Community Engagement
HEALing Communities Study
Social Intervention Group
Columbia University School of Social Work

Phone: (212) 853-7273



We at CSSW condemn anti-Black racism in all its forms and are committed not just to making statements, but to taking action.

dlounsbu commented 3 years ago

From: david lounsbury Sent: Friday, September 3, 2021 12:01 PM To: Emma Rodgers emr2241@columbia.edu; Timothy Hunt th2258@columbia.edu Cc: Nasim Sabounchi Nasim.Sabounchi@sph.cuny.edu; Mia-Cara Christopher mm5651@columbia.edu; James L. David jld2023@columbia.edu; Donrie Purcell donrie.purcell@einsteinmed.org Subject: RE: Taking Coaching Notes in IPA Tracker

Hi Emma:

We are open to relabeling and reorganizing the fields in the Feedback/QI component in the Tracker, so they are more in line with the template that you are asking the DCs to use. Can you send that template to me? We can look to make these changes.

You are correct, to document Feedback/QI over time, the IPA MONITORING Feedback/QI form is where this information should go.

Note that Feedback/QI is documented for each named IPA in the MONITORING domain of the Tracker. In contrast, in the SPECIFICATION domain of the Tracker, Feedback/QI documented at the level of each Smart Strategy, but it is just, sort of, do document insights or thoughts about how that Strategy will be implemented.

Emma, if you are backstopping the DCs, it may be useful to link you to our GitHub repository, so we you can stay informed, and even advise, on bugs and features that we are working on with Jeff. Would you like that?

Thanks and best, David

dlounsbu commented 3 years ago

@NBOVE1 : Can you get a copy of the note taking template that the DC are being asked to you, from Emma? Thanks

NBOVE1 commented 3 years ago

Sure, will do. I'll follow up.

dlounsbu commented 3 years ago

From: Timothy Hunt [mailto:th2258@columbia.edu] Sent: Friday, September 3, 2021 12:51 PM To: david lounsbury david.lounsbury@einsteinmed.org Cc: Emma Rodgers emr2241@columbia.edu; Nasim Sabounchi Nasim.Sabounchi@sph.cuny.edu; Mia-Cara Christopher mm5651@columbia.edu; James L. David jld2023@columbia.edu; Donrie Purcell donrie.purcell@einsteinmed.org Subject: Re: Taking Coaching Notes in IPA Tracker

These are great ideas for consolidating notes. I would like us to think in regards to WAVE II AND beyond this study. Currently in this model we are heavy on Coaching and Research Coordinators. In the future it may be a TA provider or supervisor making notes. Can we make a notes section that is separate from specific STRATEGY monitoring for on-going TA consultation? The specific notes on a strategy should remain for reference I would think. Specifying the differences between IPA notes, strategy notes and TA notes will be important.

Thanks, Tim

dlounsbu commented 3 years ago

Met with Emma Rogers and Tim Hunt for a brief meeting regarding this issue.

We talked about how coaches and others are using, or not using, the Tracker to document discussion.

Emma pointed out that most coaches are not using the Tracker during coaching calls with counties.

David suggested that a template that the DCs use for taking meeting minutes during this calls be amended to include sections that would collect minutes that would inform Feedback/QI sections in SPECIFICATION of Smart Strategies and MONITORING of IPAs.

Tim noted that we need to be thinking about who in the community would ultimately be using the Tracker (like a Supervisor).

We all agreed to revisit the utility of the Feedback/QI component, especially its utility relative to the CHALLENGES component.

Emma is going to organize a meeting with Mia, Tim, me to further explore.

Emma noted that the DCs complain that the Tracker is slow to use in real time, during a coaching call. We need to investigate this matter, too, if we want the Tool to be used this way.

David noted that more support for the Coaches in using the Tracker should be organized. David will follow up with @NBOVE1 about this.


NBOVE1 commented 3 years ago

Thanks David, I can certainly support the coaches in the usability of the tracker. Would it be helpful to set up a call with all coaches to get feedback and review the use of the tracker? My hope would be in doing so that coaches are more comfortable utilizing it during coaching meetings. Regarding, DC's using the tracker in real time during coaching meetings, my thought would be to update IPA FEEDBACK/QI to mirror their meeting minutes format used.

donriepurcell commented 3 years ago

Have we made a decision to include Jeff on this as part of the conversation speaks to tardiness of the tracker, which quite honestly I have not experienced ?

I don't have the facts on this but could it be that the coaches themselves are overwhelmed as they have other job functions outside of the HCS and as such learning something (the tracker) that is not really a priority of theirs, one that is more so for the coalition members has affected the role out and their subsequent use of the tracker.

It will be instructive to see the results of Nick's investment in retraining,...

dlounsbu commented 3 years ago

Hi Nick:

I defer to you about how to support the Coaches. I person touch may be what is needed at this point.

What if you polled the Coaches in some way to find out if and how they are using the tracker, if a one-on-one would be helpful?


NBOVE1 commented 3 years ago

I'll reach out to each coach separately to see how I can further support. Many coaches work off of an agenda to keep the meeting structured although I might be able show the usability of the tool to utilize in real time during coaching meetings. I'll keep our team updated. Best, Nick

dlounsbu commented 3 years ago

<html xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:w="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word" xmlns:m="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2004/12/omml" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40">

From: david lounsbury
Sent: Monday, September 13, 2021 3:03 PM
To: Donrie Purcell <donrie.purcell@einsteinmed.org>; Emma Rodgers <emr2241@columbia.edu>
Cc: Timothy Hunt <th2258@columbia.edu>; James L. David <jld2023@columbia.edu>; Mia-Cara Christopher <mm5651@columbia.edu>; Samantha W. Lang <sl4732@columbia.edu>
Subject: RE: Tracker - RC Role


Hi Emma:


In support of Donrie, there is a real need to help each County review and revise the way they have SPECIFIED one or more of their IPAs/Strategies. If SPECIFICATION of a given IPA/Strategy is problematic, then MONITORING it will be, too.


What is needed is more guidance on how we can work with the counties, the RCs and their coaches to be able to make constructive changes to their Tracker data at this juncture.


Towards this end, we have a protocol in mind, but we have been unsure of who to work with to implement it.


As you know, we have been responding to all requests for Tracker TA, which is a good thing, but we need and want a more deliberative approach that engages the PMs, the RCs and the Coaches.


Maybe this can be taken up on today’s Coaches Call.






From: Donrie Purcell
Sent: Monday, September 13, 2021 2:20 PM
To: Emma Rodgers <
Cc: david lounsbury <
david.lounsbury@einsteinmed.org>; Timothy Hunt <th2258@columbia.edu>; James L. David <jld2023@columbia.edu>; Mia-Cara Christopher <mm5651@columbia.edu>; Samantha W. Lang <sl4732@columbia.edu>
Subject: Re: Tracker - RC Role


Hi Emma,


I don’t understand why this email was directed to me yet I am happy that you’ve taken the time to clear this up for I was a bit confused as to who does what and when.


The fact of the matter is that at best I have been interacting with RC’s, community coalition members, Jessica, etc on issues relating to the tracker and I was not sure who is responsible for what.


In future, I would argue that a clear hierarchy is established and lines of communication be made clear before such an email is sent.


Have a great day.


Donrie Purcell, PhD, MPH


Every generation has the obligation to free men's minds for a look at new worlds,....to look out from a higher plateau than the last generation.
Ellison S. Onizuka 

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I don’t understand why you’ve sent me this email. I am a bit lost.

From: Emma Rodgers <emr2241@columbia.edu>
Date: Monday, September 13, 2021 at 2:03 PM
To: Donrie Purcell <
Cc: david lounsbury <
david.lounsbury@einsteinmed.org>, Timothy Hunt <th2258@columbia.edu>, James L. David <jld2023@columbia.edu>, Mia-Cara Christopher <mm5651@columbia.edu>, Samantha W. Lang <sl4732@columbia.edu>
Subject: Tracker - RC Role

CAUTION: This email comes from an external source; the attachments and/or links may compromise our secure environment. Do not open or click on suspicious emails. Please click on the “Phish Alert” button on the top right of the Outlook dashboard to report any suspicious emails. --

Hi Donrie,


Hope you had a great weekend!


Just so we're on the same page -- my expectation is that the county staff add, delete and edit IPAs/strategies in the tracker, not the RCs. I'll state this again during the coaches meeting at 3:30PM, but please make sure to follow this process if you speak with the county teams.





Emma Rodgers, MS
Director of Community Engagement
HEALing Communities Study
Social Intervention Group
Columbia University School of Social Work

Phone: (212) 853-7273



We at CSSW condemn anti-Black racism in all its forms and are committed not just to making statements, but to taking action.

dlounsbu commented 3 years ago

From: david lounsbury Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2021 4:17 PM To: Emma Rodgers emr2241@columbia.edu Cc: Mia-Cara Christopher mm5651@columbia.edu; Donrie Purcell donrie.purcell@einsteinmed.org; Nasim Sabounchi Nasim.Sabounchi@sph.cuny.edu; Timothy Hunt th2258@columbia.edu Subject: Follow up RE: Tracker Feedback/QI form Importance: High

Hi Emma, Mia and Tim:

Thanks for the call today.

So, after we got off the call with you, we found a bug IPA MONITORING Feedback/QI component. Data entered into and of the text boxes or into the ratings items cannot be saved.

Second, we appreciate more, now, why the RCs might have been so reluctant to add notes to the IPA MONITORING Feedback/QI: (1) the labels for the text boxes are too specific and somewhat sensitive and, (2) while these text boxes and the ratings make sense in the SPECIFICATION module, we agree that their overall utility is limited.

Third, even if the data were saving properly, the current design does not build a log of Feedback/QI, date stamped for a given period or meeting date.

So, I propose that we take this opportunity to streamline the form for MONITORING Feedback/QI and add a history table feature so that new entries are presented as a date-stamped log. Maybe the new form would have just one box and two variables, as follows --

Implementation progress notes: [ ]

[date of entry]

[role/name of person who added the notes]

Mia has agreed to meet with use once more, so thank you for that. We will use the meeting to come to terms about the new design.

Best and thanks, David

dlounsbu commented 3 years ago

From: david lounsbury Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2021 4:17 PM To: Emma Rodgers emr2241@columbia.edu Cc: Mia-Cara Christopher mm5651@columbia.edu; Donrie Purcell donrie.purcell@einsteinmed.org; Nasim Sabounchi Nasim.Sabounchi@sph.cuny.edu; Timothy Hunt th2258@columbia.edu Subject: Follow up RE: Tracker Feedback/QI form Importance: High

Hi Emma, Mia and Tim:

Thanks for the call today.

So, after we got off the call with you, we found a bug IPA MONITORING Feedback/QI component. Data entered into and of the text boxes or into the ratings items cannot be saved.

Second, we appreciate more, now, why the RCs might have been so reluctant to add notes to the IPA MONITORING Feedback/QI: (1) the labels for the text boxes are too specific and somewhat sensitive and, (2) while these text boxes and the ratings make sense in the SPECIFICATION module, we agree that their overall utility is limited.

Third, even if the data were saving properly, the current design does not build a log of Feedback/QI, date stamped for a given period or meeting date.

So, I propose that we take this opportunity to streamline the form for MONITORING Feedback/QI and add a history table feature so that new entries are presented as a date-stamped log. Maybe the new form would have just one box and two variables, as follows --

Implementation progress notes: [ ]

[date of entry]

[role/name of person who added the notes]

Mia has agreed to meet with use once more, so thank you for that. We will use the meeting to come to terms about the new design.

Best and thanks, David


I am looping you in on this issue. We are not ready to recommend changes yet, but we think we will want them soon.

Best and thanks, DL

dlounsbu commented 2 years ago

I am going to redesign this and present to Jeff ASAP this week. I want this feature in place soon.

jbazinet1111 commented 2 years ago

David - would you like to meet this week to discuss this particular design request?

dlounsbu commented 2 years ago

Met with Emma Rogers and Tim Hunt for a brief meeting regarding this issue.

We talked about how coaches and others are using, or not using, the Tracker to document discussion.

Emma pointed out that most coaches are not using the Tracker during coaching calls with counties.

David suggested that a template that the DCs use for taking meeting minutes during this calls be amended to include sections that would collect minutes that would inform Feedback/QI sections in SPECIFICATION of Smart Strategies and MONITORING of IPAs.

Tim noted that we need to be thinking about who in the community would ultimately be using the Tracker (like a Supervisor).

We all agreed to revisit the utility of the Feedback/QI component, especially its utility relative to the CHALLENGES component.

Emma is going to organize a meeting with Mia, Tim, me to further explore.

Emma noted that the DCs complain that the Tracker is slow to use in real time, during a coaching call. We need to investigate this matter, too, if we want the Tool to be used this way.

David noted that more support for the Coaches in using the Tracker should be organized. David will follow up with @NBOVE1 about this.


HI Jeff, Nick and Donrie:

So, it is my recommendation that we remove the FEEDBACK/QI component from SPECIFICATION all together, since there is so much context recorded in those forms already.

And, then, that we redesign the IPA MONITORING FEEDBACK/QI component to have one free text box that can be date stamped and labeled/tagged as either: Meeting Notes | Coaching Feedback | Other Notes and Comments

Remove the rating fields - they are not being used - from MONITORING, too.

And, for Data Download, Meeting Notes can comments should be downloaded with and when Monitoring Data is checked.

As for any current information typed into these components, if we can download it, we can find a way to add it back into the new form, once we have it.

Jeff, can you do this for us? How many hours?

Best, DL

jbazinet1111 commented 2 years ago

This seems like a good step. We're looking at 11 hours with a delivery within 3 business days. Let me know if that is good for you.