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Service Request by Corinna Noel about Specification and Monitoring #47

Closed dlounsbu closed 2 years ago

dlounsbu commented 2 years ago

Use comments feature (below) to document:

  1. A clear and concise description of the solution.

  2. A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.

  3. Any additional context, such as screenshots about the problem.

From: David Lounsbury [mailto:noreply@qemailserver.com] Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2021 10:10 AM To: david lounsbury david.lounsbury@einsteinmed.org Subject: IPA Tracker Support Request Form Submitted



Corinna Noel

Email: can64@cornell.edu

Phone: 8459017114




MONITORING: Creating, updated or deleting information about an implemented SMART Strategy


After our coaching call on Monday, I went into the system to make sure that the baseline of each of the measures matched up with each of our strategies and data sources. I got about halfway through this process (B1 measure edits were successful) when I noticed that the edits that I made to the baseline values/periods somehow led the measures to completely disappear (I definitely did not accidentally delete these measures). I can share some screen shots if needed. This happened with the measures for B2-PWOUD, B3-Retention Peers, and B3-Retention Supp. Housing. Please advise -- I will not make any further changes until this is resolved, and the measures are restored. Thank you.



dlounsbu commented 2 years ago

From: david lounsbury Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2021 10:29 AM To: 'can64@cornell.edu' can64@cornell.edu Cc: Donrie Purcell donrie.purcell@einsteinmed.org; Nicholas Bove nicholas.bove@einsteinmed.org Subject: FW: IPA Tracker Support Request Form Submitted Importance: High

Hi Corrina:

Thanks for reaching out about this.

We can investigate with you!

I think Donrie is best positioned to follow up with you, hopefully today. It may be easiest to have a Zoom meeting, at your convenience, to see if we can problem-solve with you.

Best and thanks,


dlounsbu commented 2 years ago

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From: Corinna A Noel [mailto:can64@cornell.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2021 10:31 AM
To: david lounsbury <david.lounsbury@einsteinmed.org>
Cc: Donrie Purcell <donrie.purcell@einsteinmed.org>; Nicholas Bove <nicholas.bove@einsteinmed.org>
Subject: Re: IPA Tracker Support Request Form Submitted


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Thanks, David. 


Donrie, I am available today anytime after 1pm, so let me know if there is a time that is best for you. 




dlounsbu commented 2 years ago

So, @donriepurcell, let's see if this is a bug, or not. I think the matter is about changing SPECIFICATION info, which drives MONITORING prompts, etc.

donriepurcell commented 2 years ago

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From: Donrie Purcell <donrie.purcell@einsteinmed.org>
Date: Wednesday, September 29, 2021 at 10:40 AM
To: Corinna A Noel <can64@cornell.edu>
Subject: Re: IPA Tracker Support Request Form Submitted</o:p>

Hi Corinna </o:p>

This is quite serious if your details are correct. Please let me know if we can meet now.</o:p>

I do have some time to address this before I meet with David at 11am. If you can’t then we will meet at your suggested time</o:p>

Donrie Purcell, PhD, MPH</o:p>


Every generation has the obligation to free men's minds for a look at new worlds,....to look out from a higher plateau than the last generation.
Ellison S. Onizuka 

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From: Corinna A Noel <can64@cornell.edu>
Date: Wednesday, September 29, 2021 at 10:31 AM
To: david lounsbury <david.lounsbury@einsteinmed.org>
Cc: Donrie Purcell <donrie.purcell@einsteinmed.org>, Nicholas Bove <nicholas.bove@einsteinmed.org>
Subject: Re: IPA Tracker Support Request Form Submitted</o:p>

CAUTION: This email comes from an external source; the attachments and/or links may compromise our secure environment. Do not open or click on suspicious emails. Please click on the “Phish Alert” button on the top right of the Outlook dashboard to report any suspicious emails.

Thanks, David. 


Donrie, I am available today anytime after 1pm, so let me know if there is a time that is best for you. 




From: david lounsbury <david.lounsbury@einsteinmed.org>
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2021 10:28:57 AM
To: Corinna A Noel <can64@cornell.edu>
Cc: Donrie Purcell <donrie.purcell@einsteinmed.org>; Nicholas Bove <nicholas.bove@einsteinmed.org>
Subject: FW: IPA Tracker Support Request Form Submitted


Hi Corrina:


Thanks for reaching out about this. 


We can investigate with you!


I think Donrie is best positioned to follow up with you, hopefully today. It may be easiest to have a Zoom meeting, at your convenience, to see if we can problem-solve with you.


Best and thanks,






David W. Lounsbury, PhD

Associate Professor, Epidemiology & Population Health

Associate Director, Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Training

Department of Epidemiology & Population Health

Division of Health Behavior Research and Implementation Science

Albert Einstein College of Medicine

David.Lounsbury@einsteinmed.org e-mail

718.839.7452 office

917.690.1020 cell

donriepurcell commented 2 years ago

Hi Jeff It appears quite serious the bug Here is a screen shot. Screen Shot 2021-09-29 at 11 10 42 AM

jbazinet1111 commented 2 years ago

This is a result of having Other measures that she had written herself.

We removed that capability and the measures she had defined were not created in the Options, so when she saved it, it saved the blank measure. Not really a bug, just bad timing and no Other measure matched what she had created.

jbazinet1111 commented 2 years ago

I restored the two measures for B2-PWOUD and if you go in and try to edit one of them, you'll see what I mean.

donriepurcell commented 2 years ago

Hi Jeff, with the data reconciliation that I am doing manually. Based on the way the data is downloaded in the measures table. There is always a field that houses only the data for population at risk, priority sectors, and so forth that we eliminate because it sometimes viewed as unnecessarily redundant when, especially when the field itself does not carry a measure type. I may have to show you what I mean via video call. Now I was about to delete the field for A3a for Columbia county as there was no measure type attached to it and paused after realizing that they were no other A3a fields in the download. Instinctively I went to the IPA tacker and checked to verify if it was a lone entry and behold there it was,... Quite the same problem as Cayuga county.
The measures table has all but disappeared. I would rather suspect that other counties may be experiencing things of the sort,.. see attached the screen shots Screen Shot 2021-10-01 at 10 15 10 AM

Screen Shot 2021-10-01 at 10 14 05 AM
jbazinet1111 commented 2 years ago

There is always a blank measure for each strategy in the download. That is the db record that houses the population at risk, priority sectors, etc. You will see that those values are not present for the records that have a measure. It is redundant data to include on every record but can be done if you'd like.

donriepurcell commented 2 years ago

I don't know, I am leaning not on my own understanding of things. Do you think we can set up the download in such a way that we have all the fields are populated with the relevant or corresponding data albeit redundant and eliminate the unnecessary field without a measure. Reason bein we want to pull the data into sas or spss for analysis and somehow this makes our life easier. I don't know what you think but you can always advise me best.

dlounsbu commented 2 years ago

@jbazinet1111 and @donriepurcell

So, they way the download works now is okay. And we know how to quickly structure that data (via Excel text functions) to create dummy variable for each SECTOR value and for each SPEC POP value that is tagged. We have found it useful to be building flat table files with rows showing infor at the level of IPA/Strategy/Measure. (If you are following my English, here).

So, to Donrie's point, I think that that redundancy is okay in the download for the strategies, so that these values are repeated in all rows for all measures in at given IPA/Strategy. This would save us some data table reorganizing, when we are creating data tables for analyses and reports.


jbazinet1111 commented 2 years ago

This change has been deployed.

dlounsbu commented 2 years ago

Ok. We will check it out!


dlounsbu commented 2 years ago

@donriepurcell Has this been resolved? Please follow up with Corinna!!