dlounsbu / NYHEALing-IPAtracker-support

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Service Request by David Lounsbury with Drew Gordon about CUIT IPA Tracker Data Sharing #51

Open dlounsbu opened 3 years ago

dlounsbu commented 3 years ago

Use comments feature (below) to document:

  1. A clear and concise description of the solution.

  2. A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.

  3. Any additional context, such as screenshots about the problem.

dlounsbu commented 3 years ago


Data Platform: https://redivis.com/HEAL/datasets/2125

You will only be able to see the overview information and list of tables without metadata or data access until you gain data access to the dataset. I have sent you an invite link to the data platform just now, let me know if you have not received it. I can invite others who should also have access to this data if you let me know who that should be.

dlounsbu commented 3 years ago


Go to the link above and apply for access and login with your einsteinmed credentials.

See the very upper righthand corner of the CUIT platform to do this.

Best, David

dlounsbu commented 3 years ago


Confirming that I now have access to CUIT IPA tracker data!

Yes, I see what you have uploaded.

We can help set up a way to upload data for all counties. Further, we are creating data tables that structure certain elements for useful visualizations (summary tables, figures, etc.).

Looking forward to working with you and Paul on this!


dlounsbu commented 2 years ago

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From: Paul Falvo [mailto:pf2335@columbia.edu]
Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2021 3:53 PM
To: david lounsbury <david.lounsbury@einsteinmed.org>; Terry Huang <terry.huang@sph.cuny.edu>
Cc: Elwin Wu <elwin.wu@columbia.edu>; Andrew S. Gordon <ag4269@columbia.edu>; Chaitanya Narayanan Natarajan II <cnn2109@columbia.edu>; Feaster, Daniel J, Ph.D. <dfeaster@med.miami.edu>
Subject: Systems Modeling on HCS Community Portal potential


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Hello David and Terry,


I'm following up with you all as David had asked on the Tues steering call about getting systems dynamic modeling visualizations onto the community portal for our users.


Elwin and I discussed this week and from my recollection there were many numerous things that you all had put together, and that they wouldn't fit using the chosen technology we are using for the visualizations on the dashboards on the community portal.


That said, we wanted to continue the discussion here, surmising maybe there's some way we can provide some interactivity. We are going to be having the agent-based modeling team's model up within a month or so on the HCS Portal and want to also see feasibility if your models can also be added—we have a "one stop shop" approach here to the community portal, so something interactive would be far better than just linking over to your site. 


Maybe we can use our weekly meeting to talk about both modeling teams and you can see what CUIT has created w/ Ava Hamilton from the agent-based team. The approach was to pre-calculate so the dataset we are using is complete and doesn't have to do calculations on the fly. It works and is in final stages of tweaking.


Looking at scheduling, that meeting could be the 27th (though I will be out that week) or Nov 3rd, both at 12pm. Let me know if these dates could work for you and your thoughts.


Thanks much,






Paul Falvo

Program Manager, CUIT

Columbia University

w. (212) 853-0491

m. (347) 380-3233

dlounsbu commented 2 years ago


From: Paul Falvo [mailto:pf2335@columbia.edu] Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2021 3:53 PM To: david lounsbury david.lounsbury@einsteinmed.org; Terry Huang terry.huang@sph.cuny.edu Cc: Elwin Wu elwin.wu@columbia.edu; Andrew S. Gordon ag4269@columbia.edu; Chaitanya Narayanan Natarajan II cnn2109@columbia.edu; Feaster, Daniel J, Ph.D. dfeaster@med.miami.edu Subject: Systems Modeling on HCS Community Portal potential


CAUTION: This email comes from an external source; the attachments and/or links may compromise our secure environment. Do not open or click on suspicious emails. Please click on the “Phish Alert” button on the top right of the Outlook dashboard to report any suspicious emails.

Hello David and Terry,


I'm following up with you all as David had asked on the Tues steering call about getting systems dynamic modeling visualizations onto the community portal for our users.


Elwin and I discussed this week and from my recollection there were many numerous things that you all had put together, and that they wouldn't fit using the chosen technology we are using for the visualizations on the dashboards on the community portal.


That said, we wanted to continue the discussion here, surmising maybe there's some way we can provide some interactivity. We are going to be having the agent-based modeling team's model up within a month or so on the HCS Portal and want to also see feasibility if your models can also be added—we have a "one stop shop" approach here to the community portal, so something interactive would be far better than just linking over to your site. 


Maybe we can use our weekly meeting to talk about both modeling teams and you can see what CUIT has created w/ Ava Hamilton from the agent-based team. The approach was to pre-calculate so the dataset we are using is complete and doesn't have to do calculations on the fly. It works and is in final stages of tweaking.


Looking at scheduling, that meeting could be the 27th (though I will be out that week) or Nov 3rd, both at 12pm. Let me know if these dates could work for you and your thoughts.


Thanks much,






Paul Falvo

Program Manager, CUIT

Columbia University

w. (212) 853-0491

m. (347) 380-3233

From: david lounsbury Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2021 5:55 PM To: Paul Falvo pf2335@columbia.edu; Terry Huang terry.huang@sph.cuny.edu Cc: Elwin Wu elwin.wu@columbia.edu; Andrew S. Gordon ag4269@columbia.edu; Chaitanya Narayanan Natarajan II cnn2109@columbia.edu; Feaster, Daniel J, Ph.D. dfeaster@med.miami.edu Subject: RE: Systems Modeling on HCS Community Portal potential

Hi Paul:

Thanks very much for your reply.

Seeing more of the dashboard and talking about how to apply the SD modeling relative to the AB Modeling and other visualizations on the Dashboard would be very useful!

I have a standing meeting at 12 noon Wed this semester, but 11am or 1pm would work. And November is soon enough!

Best, David

dlounsbu commented 2 years ago

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From: david lounsbury
Sent: Thursday, December 2, 2021 5:12 PM
To: 'Paul Falvo' <pf2335@columbia.edu>; Nasim Sabounchi <Nasim.Sabounchi@sph.cuny.edu>; Elwin Wu <elwin.wu@columbia.edu>
Cc: Andrew S. Gordon <ag4269@columbia.edu>; James L. David <jld2023@columbia.edu>; Nicholas Bove <nicholas.bove@einsteinmed.edu>; Donrie Purcell <donrie.purcell@einsteinmed.edu>; 'Rachel Thompson' <Rachel.Thompson@sph.cuny.edu>
Subject: RE: Systems Modeling on HCS Community Portal potential


Hi Paul:


Thanks for your patience.


I have been very busy (end of the semester, etc.).


Wed 12/8 may be good between 9am and 10:30am, or between 2pm and 3:30pm.






David W. Lounsbury, PhD

Associate Professor, Epidemiology & Population Health

Associate Director, Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Training

Department of Epidemiology & Population Health

Division of Health Behavior Research and Implementation Science

Albert Einstein College of Medicine

David.Lounsbury@einsteinmed.edu e-mail

718.839.7452 office

917.690.1020 cell

718.652.0418 fax


Office Address:

1300 Morris Park Avenue

Van Etten 3A2D (Wing A)

Bronx, NY USA 10461


Faculty Fellow:

Center for Systems and Community Design

CUNY Graduate School of Public Health & Health Policy




From: Paul Falvo [mailto:pf2335@columbia.edu]
Sent: Thursday, December 2, 2021 3:48 PM
To: Nasim Sabounchi <Nasim.Sabounchi@sph.cuny.edu>; Elwin Wu <elwin.wu@columbia.edu>; david lounsbury <david.lounsbury@einsteinmed.edu>
Cc: Andrew S. Gordon <ag4269@columbia.edu>; James L. David <jld2023@columbia.edu>
Subject: Re: Systems Modeling on HCS Community Portal potential


CAUTION: This email comes from an external source; the attachments and/or links may compromise our secure environment. Do not open or click on suspicious emails. Please click on the “Phish Alert” button on the top right of the Outlook dashboard to report any suspicious emails. --

Hi David,

Reaching out again, can we set up a time to speak about the IPA tracker visualization and data?




dlounsbu commented 2 years ago

SDM modeling/IPA tracker data & visualizations ────────── Paul Falvo is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting https://columbiauniversity.zoom.us/j/94583422682?pwd=elllbVNSdldMdFlpdjNzS0hqVzhQZz09

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dlounsbu commented 2 years ago

<html xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:w="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word" xmlns:m="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2004/12/omml" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40">


From: David Lounsbury
Sent: Tuesday, March 1, 2022 6:02 PM
To: Drew Gordon <ag4269@columbia.edu>
Cc: Jessica Neufeld <jn2434@columbia.edu>; Paul Falvo <pf2335@columbia.edu>; Chaitanya Narayanan Natarajan II <cnn2109@columbia.edu>; James L. David <jld2023@columbia.edu>; Donrie Purcell <donrie.purcell@einsteinmed.edu>
Subject: RE: Any updates to IPA tracker sample data?



Hi Drew:


Yes, we can download the Tracker data for you again, for all counties, at any time. County staff and Jessica continue to update data, of course. But we can provide current data.


Donrie can assist with this.






David W. Lounsbury, PhD

Associate Professor, Epidemiology & Population Health

Associate Director, Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Training

Department of Epidemiology & Population Health

Division of Health Behavior Research and Implementation Science

Albert Einstein College of Medicine

David.Lounsbury@einsteinmed.edu e-mail

718.839.7452 office

917.690.1020 cell

718.652.0418 fax


Office Address:

1300 Morris Park Avenue

Van Etten 3A2D (Wing A)

Bronx, NY USA 10461


Faculty Fellow:

Center for Systems and Community Design

CUNY Graduate School of Public Health & Health Policy



From: Drew Gordon [mailto:ag4269@columbia.edu]
Sent: Tuesday, March 1, 2022 12:52 PM
To: David Lounsbury <
Cc: Jessica Neufeld <
jn2434@columbia.edu>; Paul Falvo <pf2335@columbia.edu>; Chaitanya Narayanan Natarajan II <cnn2109@columbia.edu>; James L. David <jld2023@columbia.edu>
Subject: Any updates to IPA tracker sample data?


CAUTION: This email comes from an external source; the attachments and/or links may compromise our secure environment. Do not open or click on suspicious emails. Please click on the “Phish Alert” button on the top right of the Outlook dashboard to report any suspicious emails. --

Hi David,


As we are wrapping up publishing the Agent Based Modeling visualization, I want to check and make sure we have everything we need for designing any IPA tracker work for the dashboards coming up. Is this sample dataset we ingested to the data platform still representative of the IPA tracker data: https://redivis.com/datasets/fsdz-9q42gy057? Or should we plan to update this dataset sample ( or the whole dataset even ) in the data platform soon?


Many thanks and let me know if you have any questions, 





Drew Gordon
Sr. Data Engineer
Columbia University IT
(212) 853-7044 (o)
(646) 761-0497 (m)


[From:]() David Lounsbury Sent: Tuesday, March 1, 2022 6:02 PM To: Drew Gordon ag4269@columbia.edu Cc: Jessica Neufeld jn2434@columbia.edu; Paul Falvo pf2335@columbia.edu; Chaitanya Narayanan Natarajan II cnn2109@columbia.edu; James L. David jld2023@columbia.edu; Donrie Purcell donrie.purcell@einsteinmed.edu Subject: RE: Any updates to IPA tracker sample data?

Hi Drew:

Yes, we can download the Tracker data for you again, for all counties, at any time. County staff and Jessica continue to update data, of course. But we can provide current data.

Donrie can assist with this.

Best, David

David W. Lounsbury, PhD Associate Professor, Epidemiology & Population Health Associate Director, Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Training Department of Epidemiology & Population Health Division of Health Behavior Research and Implementation Science Albert Einstein College of Medicine David.Lounsbury@einsteinmed.edu e-mail 718.839.7452 office 917.690.1020 cell 718.652.0418 fax

Office Address: 1300 Morris Park Avenue Van Etten 3A2D (Wing A) Bronx, NY USA 10461

Faculty Fellow: Center for Systems and Community Design CUNY Graduate School of Public Health & Health Policy

From: Drew Gordon [mailto:ag4269@columbia.edu] Sent: Tuesday, March 1, 2022 12:52 PM To: David Lounsbury [david.lounsbury@einsteinmed.edu](mailto:david.lounsbury@einsteinmed.edu) Cc: Jessica Neufeld [jn2434@columbia.edu](mailto:jn2434@columbia.edu); Paul Falvo [pf2335@columbia.edu](mailto:pf2335@columbia.edu); Chaitanya Narayanan Natarajan II [cnn2109@columbia.edu](mailto:cnn2109@columbia.edu); James L. David [jld2023@columbia.edu](mailto:jld2023@columbia.edu) Subject: Any updates to IPA tracker sample data?

CAUTION: This email comes from an external source; the attachments and/or links may compromise our secure environment. Do not open or click on suspicious emails. Please click on the “Phish Alert” button on the top right of the Outlook dashboard to report any suspicious emails. Hi David,

As we are wrapping up publishing the Agent Based Modeling visualization, I want to check and make sure we have everything we need for designing any IPA tracker work for the dashboards coming up. Is this sample dataset we ingested to the data platform still representative of the IPA tracker data: https://redivis.com/datasets/fsdz-9q42gy057? Or should we plan to update this dataset sample ( or the whole dataset even ) in the data platform soon?

Many thanks and let me know if you have any questions,


-- Drew Gordon Sr. Data Engineer Columbia University IT (212) 853-7044 (o) (646) 761-0497 (m)

donriepurcell commented 2 years ago

Hi Drew Please see attached the data you're interested in. Additionally, please let David and I know if the data suffices and/or if we can do anything else to assist you with your data needs DUI_2022-02-24 All Communities .xlsx Kind Regards Donrie

dogrdon-cu commented 2 years ago

Great, Thank you Donrie. I will get this loaded up and let you know if I have any questions.

Thanks again for the quick turn around on this.

On Wed, Mar 2, 2022 at 11:50 AM donriepurcell @.***> wrote:

Hi Drew Please see attached the data you're interested in. Additionally, please let David and I know if the data suffices and/or if we can do anything else to assist you with your data needs DUI_2022-02-24 All Communities .xlsx https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__github.com_dlounsbu_NYHEALing-2DIPAtracker-2Dsupport_files_8171361_DUI-5F2022-2D02-2D24.All.Communities.xlsx&d=DwMCaQ&c=009klHSCxuh5AI1vNQzSO0KGjl4nbi2Q0M1QLJX9BeE&r=E_STE_NcUav59Vr4JEgHTUeFKCfJY7C0jcIcah6Zk8g&m=pfgg-IsSvAMZzrHgTBBACbtkYaLmhjtOu7dpZQL1C6nwRrvSAROzAWHUGi8f8_Me&s=bmZ88lJRH_8nX0CLQ1Mi0WyBfwzdcxgNkFHvtNHAEQQ&e= Kind Regards Donrie

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-- Drew Gordon Sr. Data Engineer Columbia University IT (212) 853-7044 (o) (646) 761-0497 (m)

dlounsbu commented 2 years ago

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From: David Lounsbury
Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2022 12:43 PM
To: 'Paul Falvo' <pf2335@columbia.edu>
Cc: Andrew Gordon <ag4269@columbia.edu>; 'Nasim Sabounchi' <Nasim.Sabounchi@sph.cuny.edu>; Rachel Thompson <Rachel.Thompson@sph.cuny.edu>; Terry Huang <Terry.Huang@sph.cuny.edu>
Subject: RE: HCS community dashboard
Importance: High


Hi Paul:


To your question, regarding the SD modeling, we continue to develop and validate our SD model’s performance across all counties.


We are still focused on Wave 1 counties, but we have an eye on Wave 2 counties.


For the dashboard, two suggestions come to mind –


1.      Provide a link to our Stella Architect’s cloud-based Interface.

2.      Upload community-specific simulated ‘reach’ reports.


For no. 1, we would want to provide brief introductory text about the Interface and about how to start using it. For no. 2, the reach report would illustrate a community’s basecase scenario compared with one or two plausible implementation strategy scenarios. The strategy scenarios would feature simulated effects of increasing evidence-based practice reach (i.e., OEND, MOUD, SP), over the study period and into the near future.


To drive users to the dashboard, we plan to organize a Learning Collaborative for Wave 2 (with Wave 1 invited to participate, too). The Learning Collaborative will support the CTH process and will hopefully engage stakeholders in using these (and other!) dashboard resources/visualizations.    


Adding Nasim, Rachel and Terry here!


Best and thanks,






From: Paul Falvo [mailto:pf2335@columbia.edu]
Sent: Monday, March 28, 2022 9:27 AM
To: David Lounsbury <
Cc: Andrew Gordon <
Subject: HCS community dashboard


CAUTION: This email comes from an external source; the attachments and/or links may compromise our secure environment. Do not open or click on suspicious emails. Please click on the “Phish Alert” button on the top right of the Outlook dashboard to report any suspicious emails. --

Hello David,

I have invited you to our status/regular brainstorming meeting Wednesday at 12pm to talk dashboards with us all. The Agent-based modeling dashboard has been completed and next on our list is your group. 


Please let me know if you cannot attend, I seem to recall that time being tricky. If you can’t make it let’s set up a time later this week to discuss with Drew. Starting with a simple question: what should be charted out for the community users? At this point also we may be looking at wave 2 only, there’s not a lot of time left for wave 1 new things so we will have to see the scope of it and timing etc. 


Thank you,



Paul Falvo

Program Manager, CUIT

Columbia University

w. (212) 853-0491

m. (347) 380-3233

[From:]() David Lounsbury Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2022 12:43 PM To: 'Paul Falvo' pf2335@columbia.edu Cc: Andrew Gordon ag4269@columbia.edu; 'Nasim Sabounchi' Nasim.Sabounchi@sph.cuny.edu; Rachel Thompson Rachel.Thompson@sph.cuny.edu; Terry Huang Terry.Huang@sph.cuny.edu Subject: RE: HCS community dashboard Importance: High

Hi Paul:

To your question, regarding the SD modeling, we continue to develop and validate our SD model’s performance across all counties.

We are still focused on Wave 1 counties, but we have an eye on Wave 2 counties.

For the dashboard, two suggestions come to mind –

  1. Provide a link to our Stella Architect’s cloud-based Interface.
  2. Upload community-specific simulated ‘reach’ reports.

For no. 1, we would want to provide brief introductory text about the Interface and about how to start using it. For no. 2, the reach report would illustrate a community’s basecase scenario compared with one or two plausible implementation strategy scenarios. The strategy scenarios would feature simulated effects of increasing evidence-based practice reach (i.e., OEND, MOUD, SP), over the study period and into the near future.

To drive users to the dashboard, we plan to organize a Learning Collaborative for Wave 2 (with Wave 1 invited to participate, too). The Learning Collaborative will support the CTH process and will hopefully engage stakeholders in using these (and other!) dashboard resources/visualizations.

Adding Nasim, Rachel and Terry here!

Best and thanks, David

From: Paul Falvo [mailto:pf2335@columbia.edu] Sent: Monday, March 28, 2022 9:27 AM To: David Lounsbury [david.lounsbury@einsteinmed.edu](mailto:david.lounsbury@einsteinmed.edu) Cc: Andrew Gordon [ag4269@columbia.edu](mailto:ag4269@columbia.edu) Subject: HCS community dashboard

CAUTION: This email comes from an external source; the attachments and/or links may compromise our secure environment. Do not open or click on suspicious emails. Please click on the “Phish Alert” button on the top right of the Outlook dashboard to report any suspicious emails. Hello David, I have invited you to our status/regular brainstorming meeting Wednesday at 12pm to talk dashboards with us all. The Agent-based modeling dashboard has been completed and next on our list is your group.

Please let me know if you cannot attend, I seem to recall that time being tricky. If you can’t make it let’s set up a time later this week to discuss with Drew. Starting with a simple question: what should be charted out for the community users? At this point also we may be looking at wave 2 only, there’s not a lot of time left for wave 1 new things so we will have to see the scope of it and timing etc.

Thank you, Paul -- Paul Falvo Program Manager, CUIT Columbia University w. (212) 853-0491 m. (347) 380-3233