dlounsbu / NYHEALing-IPAtracker-support

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Service Request by David Lounsbury to make short demo video of Tracker MONITORING features #62

Closed dlounsbu closed 2 years ago

dlounsbu commented 2 years ago

Use comments feature (below) to document:

  1. A clear and concise description of the solution.

  2. A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.

  3. Any additional context, such as screenshots about the problem. <html xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:w="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word" xmlns:m="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2004/12/omml" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40">



From: Jessica Neufeld [mailto:jn2434@columbia.edu]
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2021 3:34 PM
To: david lounsbury <david.lounsbury@einsteinmed.org>
Cc: Emma Rodgers <emr2241@columbia.edu>; Sandra Rodriguez <sr3717@columbia.edu>; Donrie Purcell <donrie.purcell@einsteinmed.org>; Nicholas Bove <nicholas.bove@einsteinmed.org>; Timothy Hunt <th2258@columbia.edu>
Subject: Re: Touch base / collaborate


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Hi David, 


Sure, are you and Donrie available this Wednesday at 4pm? 




On Mon, Oct 18, 2021 at 4:58 PM david lounsbury <david.lounsbury@einsteinmed.org> wrote:

Hi Jessica:


I am feeling anxious about not having provided more feedback to the county PMs and DCs re: visualizations about how their IPAs/Smart Strategies are working.


I feel like Donrie and I have been moving too slowly.


I know you are working on this, too. We need to find ways to share useful information quickly. Your perspective would be helpful.


Do you want to touch base about this later this week, maybe Wed or Thursday?








Jessica Neufeld, MPH

Program Manager 

HEALing Communities Study

Social Intervention Group

Columbia University School of Social Work
1255 Amsterdam Avenue

New York, NY 10027


Website:  https://sig.columbia.edu/






Jessica Neufeld, MPH

Program Manager 

HEALing Communities Study

Social Intervention Group

Columbia University School of Social Work
1255 Amsterdam Avenue

New York, NY 10027


Website:  https://sig.columbia.edu/






Jessica Neufeld, MPH

Program Manager 

HEALing Communities Study

Social Intervention Group

Columbia University School of Social Work
1255 Amsterdam Avenue

New York, NY 10027


Website:  https://sig.columbia.edu/




Emma Rodgers, MS
Director of Community Engagement
HEALing Communities Study
Social Intervention Group
Columbia University School of Social Work

Phone: (212) 853-7273



We at CSSW condemn anti-Black racism in all its forms and are committed not just to making statements, but to taking action.




Jessica Neufeld, MPH

Program Manager 

HEALing Communities Study

Social Intervention Group

Columbia University School of Social Work
1255 Amsterdam Avenue

New York, NY 10027


Website:  https://sig.columbia.edu/



dlounsbu commented 2 years ago

Hi Nick:

Let's touchbase about this today at 1:30pm.

Evidently, Jessica wants us to make the video. Do we have enough context about strategy to be shown?

I think using Zoom to record a short demo session will be fine.


dlounsbu commented 2 years ago

From: david lounsbury Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2021 10:25 AM To: Nicholas Bove nicholas.bove@einsteinmed.org; Jessica Neufeld jn2434@columbia.edu Cc: Emma Rodgers emr2241@columbia.edu; Sandra Rodriguez sr3717@columbia.edu; Donrie Purcell donrie.purcell@einsteinmed.org; Timothy Hunt th2258@columbia.edu Subject: RE: Touch base / collaborate

Hi Nick:

Maybe I can still briefly meet with Jessica today (1:30pm) to make sure we have the correct context for presenting this strategy in the demo, and to make sure that we are hitting the most important points about using the Monitoring feature in the Tracker.

Best, David

From: Nicholas Bove Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2021 4:27 PM To: david lounsbury david.lounsbury@einsteinmed.org; Jessica Neufeld jn2434@columbia.edu Cc: Emma Rodgers emr2241@columbia.edu; Sandra Rodriguez sr3717@columbia.edu; Donrie Purcell donrie.purcell@einsteinmed.org; Timothy Hunt th2258@columbia.edu Subject: RE: Touch base / collaborate

Hi Everyone, I’d be happy to narrate. I’m booked tomorrow although David, Jessica do you have any time to meet on Thursday? I’m free other than 10:30AM-11:30AM. My Best, Nick

NBOVE1 commented 2 years ago

@dlounsbu Hi David, I've met with Tim briefly around the video. It only has to be 3-5 minutes and screenshots might be best as I narrate. He explained that the focus should me on monitoring, reach measures, and reports. Do you have time tomorrow to connect and record the video? I'm available during the following times: 9:30-10:30AM, 2:30-3:30PM, 3:30-4:30PM

dlounsbu commented 2 years ago

Actually, we need to be even briefer. 2 minutes 2.5 minutes tops.

Jessica and I discussed the following flow:

  1. With the Tracker login screen showing, press log in.
  2. Navigate to Ulster County.
  3. In IPA window, highlight MOUD Ulster.
  4. Select Smart Strategy E5, noting that this Smart Strategy is fully SPECIFIED, save for Feedback/QI notes. Then press Edit.
  5. Once in E5, point out that 5 'Other' Measures were SPECIFIED. Quickly click on Partners, Venues and Milestones to show that these are SPECIFIED, too.
  6. Click on Return to go back to the home screen, then click on IPA Monitoring.
  7. Scroll to second half of the form (past all the Monitoring prompts for current data).
  8. Filter to E5 and press Apply.
  9. Scroll up and down to show how Monitoring data has been entered for this IPA's 5 measures, noting the reporting period.
  10. You can also, maybe, go back to the home screen and then show the Download Data feature, and show how SPECIFICATION and MONITORING data can be Downloaded for a given County and for one or more Strategies.

And that would be it, I think.

Actually, you would put our IPA Tracker Support link in the chat, so people know how to reach us.

NBOVE1 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for outlining this. I'll record a video on zoom and send it to you once completed.

dlounsbu commented 2 years ago

@dlounsbu Hi David, I've met with Tim briefly around the video. It only has to be 3-5 minutes and screenshots might be best as I narrate. He explained that the focus should me on monitoring, reach measures, and reports. Do you have time tomorrow to connect and record the video? I'm available during the following times: 9:30-10:30AM, 2:30-3:30PM, 3:30-4:30PM

@NBOVE1 Tomorrow from 9:30am-10:30am is good!

dlounsbu commented 2 years ago

@dlounsbu Hi David, I've met with Tim briefly around the video. It only has to be 3-5 minutes and screenshots might be best as I narrate. He explained that the focus should me on monitoring, reach measures, and reports. Do you have time tomorrow to connect and record the video? I'm available during the following times: 9:30-10:30AM, 2:30-3:30PM, 3:30-4:30PM

@NBOVE1 Tomorrow from 9:30am-10:30am is good!

Please send a meeting invite!

NBOVE1 commented 2 years ago

Thanks David, will do!