dlounsbu / NYHEALing-IPAtracker-support

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Service Request by [David Lounsbury] to review and modify ADMIN and COUNTY LEVEL access to the tracker #72

Closed donriepurcell closed 2 years ago

donriepurcell commented 2 years ago

Use comments feature (below) to document:

  1. A clear and concise description of the solution.

  2. A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.

  3. Any additional context, such as screenshots about the problem.

donriepurcell commented 2 years ago

I will start by reviewing duplicates in the system. Then consult with Nick on who is who and why they may need a particular type of access in the system.

dlounsbu commented 2 years ago

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From: Jeff Bazinet [mailto:jbazinet@northcountryinitiative.org]
Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2021 10:05 AM
To: David Lounsbury <david.lounsbury@einsteinmed.edu>; Nicholas Bove <nicholas.bove@einsteinmed.edu>; Donrie Purcell <donrie.purcell@einsteinmed.edu>
Subject: Users/Wave


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Just a reminder –

·        All users, regardless of their Wave, are defined in the Wave 1 database.

o   If you go to Wave 2 database, you’ll notice there are no users set up.

·        If the user’s wave is 1, they go immediately into the Wave 1 database after logging in

·        If the user’s wave is 2, they go immediately into the Wave 2 database after logging in

·        If the user’s wave is 0, they get prompted as to which database they’d like to go into


All this will be in effect at the next rollout this afternoon.




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dlounsbu commented 2 years ago

Hi Jeff:

We set up a GitHub Issue to document this effort.

Let's use this issue to keep up to date on this important matter.

dlounsbu commented 2 years ago

I would like to propose that only you, Nick and I have full Admin access at this point.

Other key users, like Jessica and Sandra, should have access to ALL COUNTIES, but they should not need ADMIN priv.