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Service Request by [Jessica & Katy] to change details of D1 strategy #73

Closed donriepurcell closed 2 years ago

donriepurcell commented 2 years ago

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donriepurcell commented 2 years ago

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From: Prevention Council Putnam <datapcputnam@gmail.com>
Date: Wednesday, December 15, 2021 at 3:24 PM
To: Donrie Purcell <donrie.purcell@einsteinmed.edu>, Jessica Neufeld <jn2434@columbia.edu>
Subject: Re: D1 IPA monitoring data fix </o:p>

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You can keep D1 that is currently in MOUD to edit it and contain the information from the D1 in OEND.  Then, you can go ahead and delete the D1 in OEND.


Thank you,



From: Donrie Purcell <donrie.purcell@einsteinmed.edu>
Date: Wednesday, December 15, 2021 at 1:44 PM
To: Jessica Neufeld <jn2434@columbia.edu>
Cc: datapcputnam@gmail.com <datapcputnam@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: D1 IPA monitoring data fix 

Hi Jessica  

It can be done.

There is also another D1 in MOUD since last I checked. Please let me know the following 

1. Do you wish to keep D1 that is currently in MOUD and edit it to contain the information from the D1 in OEND. In other words are both D1’s more or less the same? If that’s the case, then we can delete the D1 in OEND and make the edits in MOUD.

2. If they are separate items altogether, then we can keep the D1 currently in MOUD and rename the D1 from OEND to “D2” and bring all the relevant data over to MOUD.

I hope I make sense to you both. Please let me know, so I can proceed. 

It will be great if I can have Katy or yourself available while I am doing this.

Kind regards 

Donrie Purcell


Sent from my iPhone

donriepurcell commented 2 years ago

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On Dec 15, 2021, at 12:41 PM, Jessica Neufeld <jn2434@columbia.edu> wrote:</u5:p></o:p>


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Hi Donrie, 


For Putnam, D1 is located in OEND and MOUD. The issue is to have this all housed as D1- MOUD. There was hesitancy to remove D1-OEND because the data is the same, and we were worried the information would be deleted. This would then duplicate work which we are trying to prevent. 


On Wed, Dec 15, 2021 at 12:30 PM datapcputnam@gmail.com <datapcputnam@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Donrie,


Thank you for fixing the database so we are able to enter the data.  However, can you move all of D1 to MOUD from OEND since the IPA is mostly addressing MOUD?  This was discussed in the Monday meeting and with Jessica.


Thank you,



Katherine J. Roberts, EdD, MPH, MCHES, CPH

Data Coordinator 

Putnam HEALing Communities Study


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donriepurcell commented 2 years ago
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donriepurcell commented 2 years ago
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