Closed boeckMt closed 1 year ago
New dependency changes detected. Learn more about Socket for GitHub ↗︎
🚨 Potential security issues found in this pull request. To accept the risk, merge this PR and you will not be notified again.
To ignore an alert, reply with a comment starting with @SocketSecurity ignore
followed by a space separated list of package-name@version
specifiers. e.g. @SocketSecurity ignore foo@1.0.0 bar@*
or ignore all packages with @SocketSecurity ignore-all
@SocketSecurity ignore xmlserializer@0.6.1
@SocketSecurity ignore w3c-schemas@1.4.0
Package name is similar to other popular packages and may not be the package you want.
Use care when consuming similarly named packages and ensure that you did not intend to consume a different package. Malicious packages often publish using similar names as existing popular packages.
Issue | Status |
Install scripts | ✅ 0 issues |
Native code | ✅ 0 issues |
Bin script shell injection | ✅ 0 issues |
Unresolved require | ✅ 0 issues |
Invalid package.json | ✅ 0 issues |
HTTP dependency | ✅ 0 issues |
Git dependency | ✅ 0 issues |
Potential typo squat | ⚠️ 2 issues |
Known Malware | ✅ 0 issues |
Telemetry | ✅ 0 issues |
Protestware/Troll package | ✅ 0 issues |
📊 Modified Dependency Overview:
🚮 Removed packages: @dlr-eoc/base-layers-raster@11.0.0, @dlr-eoc/cookie-alert@11.0.0, @dlr-eoc/core-ui@11.0.0, @dlr-eoc/layer-control@11.0.0, @dlr-eoc/map-ol@11.0.0, @dlr-eoc/map-three@11.0.0, @dlr-eoc/map-tools@11.0.0, @dlr-eoc/services-layers@11.0.0, @dlr-eoc/services-map-state@11.0.0, @dlr-eoc/services-ogc@11.0.0, @dlr-eoc/services-util-store@11.0.0, @dlr-eoc/user-info@11.0.0, @dlr-eoc/utils-maps@11.0.0, @dlr-eoc/utils-ogc@11.0.0
Release PR Checklist
For creating a new version see DEVELOPMENT/new version and see Release pull request.
Please check if your PR fulfills the following requirements:
.# [<version>](<version>) (<date>) (<description>)
.npm version <major | minor | patch> -m "Version for release XYZ"
to the PR.Then a release on GitHub is created and the built packages are published.
If everything works fine the PR can be merged.