dlsc-software-consulting-gmbh / GemsFX

A collection of JavaFX controls and utilities.
Apache License 2.0
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other components? #149

Open Thinker888 opened 3 weeks ago

Thinker888 commented 3 weeks ago

Great job!Excellent native component! Can other custom components be generated? For example, the password box can display passwords, tabpane‘s header can hold other components,the menu list on the left similar to web-ui, custom pagination, and so on. 11 00 22,

leewyatt commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you! Here's a quick update regarding your queries:

  1. JavaFX’s built-in Tab component supports the setGraphic(Node node) method, which allows you to insert additional nodes as needed.
    Tab tab = new Tab();
            tab.setText("Tab 1");
            HBox graphicNode = new HBox(new ImageView(), new Label("Label"));
  2. For the side menu, you can implement it using the TreeView component.
  3. Regarding the other components you mentioned, we may introduce them in the future, though I cannot commit to a specific release date at this time.

If you are interested in contributing code to add these features, we would warmly welcome your involvement!

Thinker888 commented 3 weeks ago


leewyatt commented 2 weeks ago


  1. We've create a new component called EnhancedPasswordField, which is quite similar to your requirements. You can test it to see if there are any bugs. If you find any bugs, please remember to let us know. Thank you!
  2. If you want to extend TabPane, you typically need to override both TabPane and TabPaneSkin, mainly focusing on rewriting the skin class.
Thinker888 commented 2 weeks ago

ok,that's great ! I wil try,thanks.