dlt-hub / dlt

data load tool (dlt) is an open source Python library that makes data loading easy 🛠️
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Hugging Face Hub integration #1227

Open jorritsandbrink opened 2 months ago

jorritsandbrink commented 2 months ago

Feature description

Supported file types

While the HF Hub can host any filetype (it's a Git repo under the hood), it's probably wise to limit initial support to dlt's currently supported tabular data file formats: csv, jsonl, and parquet. We could extend later if users show interest.


In line with Hugging Face' direction, it makes sense to treat the HF Hub as a cloud storage bucket similar to Amazon S3, Azure Blob Storage, and Google Cloud Storage. This should also make it relatively straightforward to implement the desired functionality, as the huggingface_hub Python library implements fsspec, which dlt can already handle.

Supported write dispositions

Using this approach, HF Hub will fall under the filesystem source/destination category. The filesystem destination supports the append and replace write dispositions, but not merge. We can implement merge later if users show interest (that would be for the filtesystem destination as a whole, not just HF Hub).

Missing functionality

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rudolfix commented 2 months ago

@jorritsandbrink looks like a good first step.

I want to read files from a dataset hosted on the Hugging Face Hub as a dlt source

I'm however curious how the HF datasets library would behave with the data we produce. if you you create a few parquet files where schema evolves (we append columns at the end) and push them to the same dataset, then request with load_dataset what is going to happen? Can I upload csvs and see them as single parquet on the client side? also streaming

dataset = load_dataset('oscar-corpus/OSCAR-2201', 'en', split='train', streaming=True)


I want to access my dataset, train and stream like any other HF datasets

jorritsandbrink commented 2 months ago


  1. Schema evolution seems not supported. Did a simple test with CSV and Parquet. Multiple files can be handled, but only if they contain the same column names (error is thrown otherwise). Couldn't find a config to enable it.
load_dataset("jorritsandbrink/dlt_dev", data_files=["foo.csv", "baz.csv"], sep=";")  # baz.csv has extra column "bla"


DatasetGenerationCastError: An error occurred while generating the dataset

All the data files must have the same columns, but at some point there are 1 new columns ({' bla'})

This happened while the csv dataset builder was generating data using

hf://datasets/jorritsandbrink/dlt_dev/baz.csv (at revision 6dab0737041dfeef3cc8446f61a1ecd059bec7e0)

Please either edit the data files to have matching columns, or separate them into different configurations (see docs at https://hf.co/docs/hub/datasets-manual-configuration#multiple-configurations)

It is however possible to load only the initial set of columns by ignoring the new column by specifying features:

    data_files=["foo.csv", "baz.csv"],
        {"foo": Value(dtype="int64", id=None), "bar": Value(dtype="int64", id=None), "baz": Value(dtype="int64", id=None)}
)  # baz.csv has extra column "bla"


    train: Dataset({
        features: ['foo', ' bar', ' baz'],
        num_rows: 2

Specifying a column in features that is not present in all data files causes an error.

I'd say we restrict schema evolution to prevent uploading datasets that are difficult to use (we don't want to place the burden of specifying features on the user). Schema contracts provide this functionality, but do we want to use that while it's still in experimental phase?

  1. Don't know what you mean with "see them as single parquet on the client side", but streaming from multiple CSV files seems to work. image


Okay, I learned there's a parquet-converter bot that asynchronously converts the files in the dataset to Parquet in a dedicated branch called refs/convert/parquet.

rudolfix commented 2 months ago

@jorritsandbrink seems that we'd need to bring the files locally and merge them using arrow or duckdb then emit unified dataset. this seems both very useful and doable. However we need to get more info on what the HF users need because this is IMO quite an investment.