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DLT issues error on certain SQL SERVER Datatypes #491

Open ankit48365 opened 2 months ago

ankit48365 commented 2 months ago

dlt version

dlt 0.4.8

Describe the problem

DLT throws error on reading data from SQL SERVER tables, if those tables have data types as mentioned below:

Below are some Columns in Microsoft provided AdventureWorks2019 OLTP Database (Human Resource Schema)

1. [OrganizationNode] [hierarchyid] NULL,
2. [rowguid] [uniqueidentifier] ROWGUIDCOL  NOT NULL,
3. [Rate] [money] NOT NULL

there could be more of these, but I received error on above three so far, below is error details:

2024-04-24 15:37:45,591|[WARNING              ]|1394170|139724520918592|dlt|schema_types.py|sqla_col_to_column_schema:79|A column with name **rowguid** contains unknown data type **UNIQUEIDENTIFIER** which cannot be mapped to `dlt` data type. When using sqlalchemy backend such data will be passed to the normalizer. In case of `pyarrow` backend such data will be ignored. In case of other backends, the behavior is backend-specific.

2024-04-24 15:37:45,458|[WARNING              ]|1394170|139723820918592|dlt|schema_types.py|sqla_col_to_column_schema:79|A column with name **Rate** contains unknown data type **MONEY** which cannot be mapped to `dlt` data type. When using sqlalchemy backend such data will be passed to the normalizer. In case of `pyarrow` backend such data will be ignored. In case of other backends, the behavior is backend-specific.

__init__.py:76: SAWarning: Did not recognize type '**hierarchyid**' of column 'OrganizationNode'

finally, this was the bottom of the error:

<class 'dlt.extract.exceptions.ResourceExtractionError'>
In processing pipe Employee: extraction of resource Employee in generator table_rows caused an exception: (pyodbc.ProgrammingError) ('**ODBC SQL type -151 is not yet supported**.  column-index=3  type=-151', 'HY106')

Expected behavior

No response

Steps to reproduce

was running this function (credentials were passed from secrets.toml) Source table is from Microsoft provided AdventureWorks2019 OLTP Database (Human Resource Schema)

def load_entire_database() -> None:
    """Use the sql_database source to completely load all tables in a database"""
    pipeline = dlt.pipeline(
        pipeline_name="AW_MoveItAll_pipeline", destination='postgres', dataset_name="stg_advwrks"

    # By default the sql_database source reflects all tables in the schema
    # The database credentials are sourced from the `.dlt/secrets.toml` configuration
    # source = sql_database()
    source = sql_database(schema='HumanResources')

    # Run the pipeline. For a large db this may take a while
    info = pipeline.run(source, write_disposition="replace")
            pipeline.last_trace.finished_at - pipeline.last_trace.started_at

Operating system


Runtime environment


Python version


dlt data source

MS Open Public Adventure Works 2019 OLTP

dlt destination


Other deployment details

No response

Additional information

No response