I am trying to use DLT Hub to pull data from SalesForce Sandbox. I am running in all kinds of issues/errors. I believe DLT hub does not support Salesforce Sandbox. I like to be able to test it fully in our Sandbox before moving it into Production. I am very interested in the product.
Are you a dlt user?
Yes, I'm already a dlt user.
Do you ready to contribute this extension?
Yes, but I need help.
dlt destination
Snowflake and Postgres
Additional information
it should be able to connect to REST API in the form of
domain = 'datahubcrm--datahubcrm.sandbox.my' # For production, set it to 'login'
Source name
Describe the data you'd like to see
I hope all is well with you.
I am trying to use DLT Hub to pull data from SalesForce Sandbox. I am running in all kinds of issues/errors. I believe DLT hub does not support Salesforce Sandbox. I like to be able to test it fully in our Sandbox before moving it into Production. I am very interested in the product.
Are you a dlt user?
Yes, I'm already a dlt user.
Do you ready to contribute this extension?
Yes, but I need help.
dlt destination
Snowflake and Postgres
Additional information
it should be able to connect to REST API in the form of
domain = 'datahubcrm--datahubcrm.sandbox.my' # For production, set it to 'login'
this is how I use it with regular python code.