dltxio / idem-mobile

React native mobile app for Idem
MIT License
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As IDEM, I want to change the verify button so the email verification process is clear for users #460

Open C00p3rb123 opened 2 years ago

C00p3rb123 commented 2 years ago


Currently the verify button is enabled before the pgp creation process has been completed. This has been causing confusion amongst users.

Until the user either generates or imports their pgp, the button at the bottom of page will save the email input and give a notification when pressed that this button is indeed saving their claim but they need to create a pgp key to verify

Once the user has generated or imported their pgp key, the button at the bottom of the page will check if the user verified their email.


Save Button Present

Save Button Functionality

Verify Button Present

Verify Button Functionality

Verify Button Functionality - Unsuccessful email verification

Verify Button Functionality - Unsuccessful pgp creation

C00p3rb123 commented 2 years ago

Truth table for buttons: https://bitcoinbrisbane.sharepoint.com/:x:/r/sites/DLTx/_layouts/15/doc2.aspx?sourcedoc=%7B3d051981-7a92-464e-98a1-eb1dc307f95e%7D&action=edit&wdPreviousSession=9aa33871-69f2-4ce3-b157-6f241416857a