when creating a Thickness of type Layers with the Multilayer Surfaces Add-On I can't define the angle of the different layers. As written in the documentation I provide a list of lists for the layers as followed:
However, the last entry of each layers list (0 or 90) is taken as a comment and not as the angle of the layer. This can be seen in RFEM in the created layers tab:
Additionally, the provided parameters for the stiffness modification do not have any influence. The values for K33, K44, K55, K88 are ingored.
I'm using the following code to create the thickness:
Hi @Lulatsch39,
thank you for reporting the issue. I think it due tu missing parameter user_defined_stiffness which would unlock the feature for editing. Rreported bug 163355.
Hi there,
when creating a Thickness of type Layers with the Multilayer Surfaces Add-On I can't define the angle of the different layers. As written in the documentation I provide a list of lists for the layers as followed:
The materials 2 and 3 are defined with material type orthotropic:
However, the last entry of each layers list (0 or 90) is taken as a comment and not as the angle of the layer. This can be seen in RFEM in the created layers tab:
Additionally, the provided parameters for the stiffness modification do not have any influence. The values for K33, K44, K55, K88 are ingored. I'm using the following code to create the thickness:
Created thickness of type layers with the stiffness reduction factors still set to 1.00 instead of 0.65 and 0.7 respectively: