Hi, my Kibana version 6.6.2 and I download the two release version of kbn_radar ,and the other one ,but I got the same issues:
FATAL Error: Optimizations failure.
5160 modules
ERROR in ./plugins/kbn_radar-6.3.X-2/public/kbn_radar.js
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'ui/vis/vis_category' in '/usr/mpsp/DubboServer/elk/kibana-6.6.2-linux-x86_64/plugins/kbn_radar-6.3.X-2/public'
Hi, I am also facing the same issue in kibana 7.0.0.
ERROR in ./plugins/kbn_radar/public/kbn_radar.js
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'ui/vis/vis_category' in 'KIBANA_HOME/plugins/kbn_radar/public'
Hi, my Kibana version 6.6.2 and I download the two release version of kbn_radar ,and the other one ,but I got the same issues:
FATAL Error: Optimizations failure. 5160 modules
please, help me