dlundquist / sniproxy

Proxies incoming HTTP and TLS connections based on the hostname contained in the initial request of the TCP session.
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
2.57k stars 399 forks source link

Bad External Ip? #287

Open karim2001 opened 6 years ago

karim2001 commented 6 years ago


First thank's in advance for you support.

I installed bind & sniproxy, everything went well, but when i use http://www.mon-ip.com/ i get a google ip not my vpn external ip.

I don't know what i've missed, here are my configuration files:

cat /etc/sniproxy.conf 
# sniproxy example configuration file
# lines that start with # are comments
# lines with only white space are ignored

user daemon

# PID file
pidfile /var/run/sniproxy.pid

error_log {
    # Log to the daemon syslog facility
    syslog daemon

    # Alternatively we could log to file
    #filename /var/log/sniproxy/sniproxy.log

    # Control the verbosity of the log
    priority notice

# blocks are delimited with {...}
listen 80 {
    proto http
    # Fallback backend server to use if we can not parse the client request

    access_log {
        filename /var/log/sniproxy/http_access.log
        priority notice

listen 443 {
    proto tls
    table https_hosts

    access_log {
        filename /var/log/sniproxy/https_access.log
        priority notice

# named tables are defined with the table directive
#table http_hosts {
 #   example.com
  #  example.net
   # example.org

# pattern:
#   valid Perl-compatible Regular Expression that matches the
#   hostname
# target:
#   - a DNS name
#   - an IP address (with optional port)
#   - '*' to use the hostname that the client requested
# pattern   target
#.*\.itunes\.apple\.com$    *:443

# named tables are defined with the table directive
#table https_hosts {
    # When proxying to local sockets you should use different tables since the
    # local socket server most likely will not autodetect which protocol is
    # being used
    #example.org unix:/var/run/server.sock

# if no table specified the default 'default' table is defined
#table {
    # if no port is specified default HTTP (80) and HTTPS (443) ports are
    # assumed based on the protocol of the listen block using this table
table {  
    (hulu|huluim)\.com *
    netflix\.com *
    ip2location\.com *
    mon-ip\.com *
oldium commented 5 years ago

If you get Google Proxy IP address on mon-ip, you need to stop using any data optimization mode on your browser.