dlunion / DBFace

DBFace is a real-time, single-stage detector for face detection, with faster speed and higher accuracy
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prj_ncnn推理单张图像时间开销约为1200ms #61

Open Ryan1366 opened 2 years ago

Ryan1366 commented 2 years ago

cpu i5 10400 最新的ncnn版本 在cmakelist,通过使用 set(ncnn_DIR "/lib/cmake/ncnn" CACHE PATH "Directory that contains ncnnConfig.cmake") find_package(ncnn REQUIRED) target_link_libraries(my_target ncnn)来编译 计算了dbface.detect(in_mat,Facebox)函数;前后时间花销,约为1200ms。请问作者这个时间正常吗,还是我哪里搞错了?