Add the seek method because its dificult to listen complete paragraph if the text is missed and i dont understand then it is difficult
to re-listen the whole paragraph.I only want like media player seek functionality in flutterTTs.
Contextualize the feature
This is usefull, if the user dont want to listen the 1st half of the paragraph then it will forwad the audio from seekbar and listen
from where he wants.
Describe the feature
i want seek functionality in flutterTTs, this package is good in working but the drwaback is we dont go forwad and back in speech we dont have control on speech converted to text we only play, pause and stop if you add the seek functionality then it will be easy to go forwad or back in speech.
🚀 Adding the seek functionality.
Add the seek method because its dificult to listen complete paragraph if the text is missed and i dont understand then it is difficult to re-listen the whole paragraph.I only want like media player seek functionality in flutterTTs.
Contextualize the feature
This is usefull, if the user dont want to listen the 1st half of the paragraph then it will forwad the audio from seekbar and listen from where he wants.
Describe the feature
i want seek functionality in flutterTTs, this package is good in working but the drwaback is we dont go forwad and back in speech we dont have control on speech converted to text we only play, pause and stop if you add the seek functionality then it will be easy to go forwad or back in speech.
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