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Java 8 Date-Time API for Clojure
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Millisecond information for `java.sql.Time` is lost when converting to/from `LocalTime` #74

Open jeff303 opened 3 years ago

jeff303 commented 3 years ago

Consider the following REPL session, in which version 0.3.2 of the library is being used (as per the deps.edn guide here).

(import java.time.temporal.ChronoField)
(import java.time.temporal.Temporal)
(def my-local-time (t/local-time 1 12 13 456000000))
(t/sql-time my-local-time)
#inst "1970-01-01T07:12:13.000-00:00"

Notice that the millisecond portion (456) is lost. In principle, though, it is possible to build the java.sql.Time instance to have that information:

(let [millis-of-day (.get my-local-time ChronoField/MILLI_OF_DAY)]
  (java.sql.Time. millis-of-day))
#inst "1970-01-01T01:12:13.456-00:00"

The same problem occurs in reverse as well:

(def my-sql-time 
  (let [millis-of-day (.get my-local-time ChronoField/MILLI_OF_DAY)]
    (java.sql.Time. millis-of-day)))
(t/local-time my-sql-time)
#object[java.time.LocalTime 0xda22aa "19:12:13"]

Again, it's possible to preserve that information (probably more elegantly than this):

(import java.time.LocalTime)
(LocalTime/ofNanoOfDay (* 1000000 (.getTime my-sql-time)))
#object[java.time.LocalTime 0x10d98940 "01:12:13.456"]
frenchy64 commented 1 year ago

This happens due to the implementation of java.sql.Time/valueOf: