dm3 /

Java 8 Date-Time API for Clojure
MIT License
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Add missing chrono fields (v0.3.3 has breaking changes) #78

Closed liquidz closed 2 years ago

liquidz commented 2 years ago


The following code returns expected value with v0.3.2 while v0.3.3 throws Exception.

(require '[java-time :as j])
(j/as (j/zoned-date-time) :instant-seconds))


(j/as (j/zoned-date-time) :instant-seconds)) should return integer.


Throws the following exception.

java.time.DateTimeException: Property :instant-seconds doesn't exist in [2021-10-27T15:34:44.773+09:00[Asia/Tokyo]]!

How to solve does'nt have a field for :instant-seconds, so I added missing fields.

 (set (keys (->map (vals (jt.u/get-static-fields-of-type ChronoField TemporalField)))))
 (set (keys (->map chrono-fields))))
;; => #{:aligned-week-of-month :epoch-day :aligned-week-of-year :minute-of-day :clock-hour-of-day :instant-seconds :aligned-day-of-week-in-month :am-pm-of-day :aligned-day-of-week-in-year :clock-hour-of-am-pm :minute-of-hour}
dm3 commented 2 years ago

Looks good. Thanks! Sorry for the delay... It looks like this brings backs the 0.3.2 behaviour.