dma-ais / AisLib

DMA AisLib - Java library for handling AIS messages
169 stars 98 forks source link

Issue with ENAV 0.6-snapshot reference #109

Open icteaspairnl opened 1 week ago

icteaspairnl commented 1 week ago

Hi, first of all, awesome library! Looks very usefull and amazing you made this open source. Keep up the good work!

I've created a project to parse AIS messages and imported ais-lib-messages and ais-lib-communication version 2.8.4 as dependencies.

After loading these, i got the error: dk.dma.enav:enav-util:jar:0.6-SNAPSHOT was not found in $MVNREPO$

Digging around in the POM files i foudn that dma-commons-parent-0.5.pom contained a variable:

0.6-SNAPSHOT When i remove the -SNAPSHOT Maven is happy again. Also on Maven Central i did not see a snapshot version (ofc logical) I believe it is this file: Is it possible to fix this reference?