dma-ais / AisLib

DMA AisLib - Java library for handling AIS messages
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AisLib v2.4 published with invalid dependencies to maven central repo #69

Closed sta4152 closed 2 years ago

sta4152 commented 4 years ago

In the ais-parent-2.4 POM as being release and published to central maven repos, the dependency towards

Please note the "-SNAPSHOT" suffixes, those are wrong. No such versions were published to maven central repos obviously, but the final ones, 0.6 (enav-util) and 0.5 (dma-commons-util).

This makes projects depending on AisLib 2.4 to fail on maven build.

This was fixed meanwhile with commit "Update dependencies" (8190d2cf3c2573e85c6e398d21218be74c408e3f). But one is unable to pull the dependencies from the public maven repos as defined for the released version 2.4.

Please create and publish a new release having this fixed.

elopezp commented 2 years ago

Same issue with ais-lib-communication in Maven. My dependency is next:


I tried to compile maven pom.xml and I get the following:

The following artifacts could not be resolved: dk.dma.enav:enav-model:jar:0.6-SNAPSHOT, dk.dma.commons:dma-commons-util:jar:0.5-SNAPSHOT, dk.dma.enav:enav-util:jar:0.6-SNAPSHOT: Could not find artifact dk.dma.enav:enav-model:jar:0.6-SNAPSHOT

Any update about this issue?

tbsalling commented 2 years ago

To the best of my knowledge this project is no longer funded or actively maintained (anyone - correct me if wrong).

A hint to solve the problem above is to clone and compile this project locally:

dcaillia commented 2 years ago

You can patch it by having this in your pom.xml

    <!-- in this AisLib 2.4 has *-SNAPSHOT dependencies
         so appearently something went wrong in their release process: this is how i fixed it: -->