dmachard / go-dnscollector

Ingesting, pipelining, and enhancing your DNS logs with usage indicators, security analysis, and additional metadata.
MIT License
184 stars 43 forks source link

add global telemetry #724

Closed dmachard closed 1 month ago

dmachard commented 1 month ago

PR to add global telemetry

new config

    enabled: true
    web-path: "/metrics"
    web-listen: ":9165"
    prometheus-prefix: "dnscollector_exporter"
    tls-support: false
    tls-cert-file: ""
    tls-key-file: ""
    client-ca-file: ""
    basic-auth-enable: false
    basic-auth-login: admin
    basic-auth-pwd: changeme

dashboard overview
