dmaclean / dfs-python

Tools for DFS data collection and projection creation.
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Add translation table for player names #3

Closed dmaclean closed 10 years ago

dmaclean commented 10 years ago

There are some differences in player names between and the various DFS sites. For example:

A translation table for each site would make creating the projection CSVs easier because there would be fewer entries with -1 for salary and None for position because of non-matching names.

dmaclean commented 10 years ago


Added a table player_name_mapping to the database that stores the BBR<—>DFS site name conversion. This table is then referred to for each import line to perform the name mapping.

Files modified:

dmaclean commented 10 years ago

Not really concerned about this right now (at least not for FanDuel). Closing until it becomes an issue.