dmacvicar / terraform-provider-libvirt

Terraform provider to provision infrastructure with Linux's KVM using libvirt
Apache License 2.0
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uri parameter in the provider block is broken/being ignored #1036

Closed nohoster closed 7 months ago

nohoster commented 8 months ago

System Information

Linux distribution


Terraform version


Provider and libvirt versions


It seems the uri is being ignored on the most recent version. It just tries to use a local libvirt sock instead of making the ssh connection. Luckily I still had the 0.7.1 version in disk so I changed it and it's working again. The problem is I can't download that version due to the key signing issue.

nohoster commented 8 months ago

I think i know what's the problem. #1030 makes the username a required parameter. If not set then the ssh connection is ignored.

michaelbeaumont commented 8 months ago

Please include the URI you're using

unimika commented 8 months ago

I am facing this same problem with latest Terraform and 0.7.4. All the virtual machines are created to local machine instead of remote machine.

The uri I am using is in format uri = "qemu+ssh://virtuser@"

Managed to continue with: terraform { required_providers { libvirt = { source = "dmacvicar/libvirt" version = "0.7.1" } } }

michaelbeaumont commented 8 months ago

@nohoster what do you mean #1030 makes the username required? What makes you think it's that PR? There have been a number of larger changes since the last release

settler-als commented 8 months ago

All versions 0.7.* ignore uri and work only local. 0.6.14 work good.

provider "libvirt" { uri = "qemu+ssh://login@servername/system" }

nohoster commented 8 months ago

Hi, my uri is "qemu+ssh://". I was using that perfectly fine with 0.7.1 but then I created a new project with 0.7.4 and it gave me this error:

│ Error: failed to connect: dial unix /var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock: connect: no such file or directory │ │ with provider[""], │ on line 1, in provider "libvirt": │ 1: provider "libvirt" {

That's because it's trying to use a local connection

I did a test just know with just some bare code:

terraform { required_version = ">= 1.4" required_providers { libvirt = { source = "dmacvicar/libvirt" version = ">=0.7" } } } provider "libvirt" { uri = "qemu+ssh://user@" } resource "libvirt_network" "terraform-net" { name = "terraform-net" mode = "nat" addresses = [""] }

and it gave me the same error, so the user in the uri is not the problem. So that PR is not the problem.

To add more info, after I downgraded to 0.7.1 and made a successful connection, I was able to update to 0.7.4 and it's working again.

rabin-io commented 8 months ago

Can it be related to this PR which was merged recently?

limburgher commented 8 months ago

I'm on terraform 1.6.1 and I can't get 0.7.* to work. 0.6.14 seems to. I've not tried anything older. My uri is qemu+ssh://username@hostname/system.

tuxillo commented 8 months ago

Same here. Are there any plans to fix this?

Mandorath commented 8 months ago

I was checking this, I removed the changes done in and tried a rebuild to verify if this was the change that broke anything. It will still try to connect to a local libvirt socket. My guess would be that the following commit introduced this: but I might be wrong. I think those changes might have been done due to updating the required go-libvirt package if i do a diff between 0.7.1 and 0.7.4. Here the 'New' function has been deprecated and replaced with NewWithDialer, the change in the commit reflects this.

I have very limited Go knowledge myself but looking at the code maybe it is defaulting to unix in the code below for some reason e.g. the URI is not parsed properly or missing something:

func (u *ConnectionURI) transport() string {
    parts := strings.Split(u.Scheme, "+")
    if len(parts) > 1 {
        return parts[1]

    if u.Host != "" {
        return "tls"
    return "unix"

Or the dialers are not picked up properly. At this point, I have no idea how to debug this.

You can also find a discussion about dialers below:

X-Cli commented 7 months ago

I believe this issue has the same root cause that the issue that I helped identify in #1040 . Can you retry with the fix that was merged earlier today?

rabin-io commented 7 months ago

With version 0.7.4 (latest as of this moment) I still see this issue.

michaelbeaumont commented 7 months ago

Yes, that's the release the issue was initially made for. There has been the above mentioned fix merged to master since then.

rabin-io commented 7 months ago

How can I test it w/o compiling it manually?

michaelbeaumont commented 7 months ago

You will need to compile it manually and configure terraform to look for the compiled provider

tuxillo commented 7 months ago

Any reason why there hasn't been a new release?

ingobecker commented 7 months ago

I believe this issue has the same root cause that the issue that I helped identify in #1040 . Can you retry with the fix that was merged earlier today?

I had the same issue and tested against 8d7c58f67508ee9a958a6de98a722818edc75654. This fixed the issue for me. Thanks :+1:

limburgher commented 7 months ago

When will there be a release with this fix?

tuxillo commented 7 months ago

When will there be a release with this fix?

Exactly. I don't know why the issue is clused when there is no new release yet.

X-Cli commented 7 months ago

Until there is a new release with the fix, people needing an urgent workaround can add the "name" parameter, which makes the bugged function return before the bug manifests.

For instance, if the URI is qemu+ssh://user@host/system?blablabla you can change it to qemu+ssh://user@host/system?name=qemu%3A%2F%2F%2Fsystem&blablabla

In this example, the name parameter is set to qemu:///system in a URL-encoded format. This value was chosen by hand, following the algorithm described in the documentation (i.e. keeping only what is before the + sign, the string "://", followed by the path, including the leading slash, and leaving out the user, the @ sign, the host, and the query string).

Please remember to remove the workaround when the new version is released, as this is a bit dirty ^^

limburgher commented 7 months ago

Thank you, this workaround seems to work.

limburgher commented 7 months ago

0.7.6 works with the standard uri syntax.