dmacvicar / terraform-provider-libvirt

Terraform provider to provision infrastructure with Linux's KVM using libvirt
Apache License 2.0
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Waiting for lease finishes prematurely if domain has network interface WITHOUT IP addess assigned yet. #1047

Closed pstrzelczak closed 7 months ago

pstrzelczak commented 7 months ago

System Information

Linux distribution

Rocky 8.8

Terraform version

2023-11-06T10:41:59.199Z [INFO]  Terraform version: 1.6.2
2023-11-06T10:41:59.199Z [DEBUG] using v1.36.0
2023-11-06T10:41:59.199Z [DEBUG] using v2.19.1
2023-11-06T10:41:59.199Z [DEBUG] using v0.1.1
2023-11-06T10:41:59.199Z [DEBUG] using v1.14.1
2023-11-06T10:41:59.199Z [INFO]  Go runtime version: go1.21.1
2023-11-06T10:41:59.199Z [INFO]  CLI args: []string{"terraform", "--version"}
2023-11-06T10:41:59.200Z [DEBUG] Attempting to open CLI config file: /home/docker_user/.terraformrc
2023-11-06T10:41:59.200Z [DEBUG] File doesn't exist, but doesn't need to. Ignoring.
2023-11-06T10:41:59.200Z [DEBUG] ignoring non-existing provider search directory terraform.d/plugins
2023-11-06T10:41:59.200Z [DEBUG] ignoring non-existing provider search directory /home/docker_user/.terraform.d/plugins
2023-11-06T10:41:59.200Z [DEBUG] ignoring non-existing provider search directory /home/docker_user/.local/share/terraform/plugins
2023-11-06T10:41:59.200Z [DEBUG] ignoring non-existing provider search directory /usr/local/share/terraform/plugins
2023-11-06T10:41:59.200Z [DEBUG] ignoring non-existing provider search directory /usr/share/terraform/plugins
2023-11-06T10:41:59.200Z [INFO]  CLI command args: []string{"version", "--version"}
Terraform v1.6.2
on linux_amd64
+ provider v0.7.1
+ provider v3.2.1

Your version of Terraform is out of date! The latest version
is 1.6.3. You can update by downloading from

Provider and libvirt versions



Description of Issue/Question


Any with wait_for_lease=true that later references network_interface.0.addresses.0 attributes:

output "rocky_hosts" {
  value = libvirt_domain.rocky-kvm.*.network_interface.0.addresses.0

Steps to Reproduce Issue

Run terraform apply.

The execution fails with:

│ Error: Invalid index
│   on ../modules/rocky-kvm-domains/ line 82, in output "rocky_hosts":
│   82:   value = libvirt_domain.rocky-kvm.*.network_interface.0.addresses.0
│ The given key does not identify an element in this collection value: the
│ collection has no elements.

I reproduced this with TF_LOG=debug and found a procedure to wait for lease returns even if there are no IP addresses assigned:

2023-11-06 08:52:22 <DEBUG> --- 2023-11-06T07:52:22.792Z [INFO]  provider.terraform-provider-libvirt_v0.7.1: 2023/11/06 07:52:22 [INFO] Domain ID: aad7a4a7-65e9-406c-ae69-d79bd2536dfc: timestamp=2023-11-06T07:52:22.792Z
2023-11-06T07:52:22.792Z [INFO]  provider.terraform-provider-libvirt_v0.7.1: 2023/11/06 07:52:22 [DEBUG] Waiting for state to become: [all-addresses-obtained]: timestamp=2023-11-06T07:52:22.792Z
2023-11-06 08:52:27 <DEBUG> --- 2023-11-06T07:52:27.798Z [INFO]  provider.terraform-provider-libvirt_v0.7.1: 2023/11/06 07:52:27 [DEBUG] waiting for network address for iface=52:54:00:AA:7B:80: timestamp=2023-11-06T07:52:27.798Z
2023-11-06 08:52:27 <DEBUG> --- 2023-11-06T07:52:27.799Z [INFO]  provider.terraform-provider-libvirt_v0.7.1: 2023/11/06 07:52:27 [DEBUG] qemu-agent used to query interface info: timestamp=2023-11-06T07:52:27.799Z
2023-11-06 08:52:27 <DEBUG> --- 2023-11-06T07:52:27.800Z [INFO]  provider.terraform-provider-libvirt_v0.7.1: 2023/11/06 07:52:27 [DEBUG] Interfaces info obtained with libvirt API:
([]libvirt.DomainInterface) <nil>: timestamp=2023-11-06T07:52:27.800Z
2023-11-06T07:52:27.800Z [INFO]  provider.terraform-provider-libvirt_v0.7.1: 2023/11/06 07:52:27 [DEBUG] ifaces with addresses: []: timestamp=2023-11-06T07:52:27.800Z
2023-11-06T07:52:27.800Z [INFO]  provider.terraform-provider-libvirt_v0.7.1: 2023/11/06 07:52:27 [DEBUG] 52:54:00:AA:7B:80 doesn't have IP address(es) yet...: timestamp=2023-11-06T07:52:27.800Z
2023-11-06T07:52:27.800Z [INFO]  provider.terraform-provider-libvirt_v0.7.1: 2023/11/06 07:52:27 [DEBUG] IP address not found for iface=52:54:00:AA:7B:80: will try in a while: timestamp=2023-11-06T07:52:27.800Z
2023-11-06T07:52:27.800Z [INFO]  provider.terraform-provider-libvirt_v0.7.1: 2023/11/06 07:52:27 [TRACE] Waiting 10s before next try: timestamp=2023-11-06T07:52:27.800Z
2023-11-06 08:52:31 <DEBUG> ---[0]: Still creating... [10s elapsed]
2023-11-06 08:52:37 <DEBUG> --- 2023-11-06T07:52:37.809Z [INFO]  provider.terraform-provider-libvirt_v0.7.1: 2023/11/06 07:52:37 [DEBUG] waiting for network address for iface=52:54:00:AA:7B:80: timestamp=2023-11-06T07:52:37.809Z
2023-11-06 08:52:37 <DEBUG> --- 2023-11-06T07:52:37.810Z [INFO]  provider.terraform-provider-libvirt_v0.7.1: 2023/11/06 07:52:37 [DEBUG] qemu-agent used to query interface info: timestamp=2023-11-06T07:52:37.810Z
2023-11-06 08:52:37 <DEBUG> --- 2023-11-06T07:52:37.844Z [INFO]  provider.terraform-provider-libvirt_v0.7.1: 2023/11/06 07:52:37 [DEBUG] Interfaces info obtained with libvirt API:
([]libvirt.DomainInterface) (len=2 cap=2) {
    (libvirt.DomainInterface) {
        Name: (string) (len=2) "lo",
        Hwaddr: (libvirt.OptString) (len=1 cap=1) {
            (string) (len=17) "00:00:00:00:00:00"
        Addrs: ([]libvirt.DomainIPAddr) (len=2 cap=2) {
            (libvirt.DomainIPAddr) {
                Type: (int32) 0,
                Addr: (string) (len=9) "",
                Prefix: (uint32) 8
            (libvirt.DomainIPAddr) {
                Type: (int32) 1,
                Addr: (string) (len=3) "::1",
                Prefix: (uint32) 128
    (libvirt.DomainInterface) {
        Name: (string) (len=4) "ens3",
        Hwaddr: (libvirt.OptString) (len=1 cap=1) {
            (string) (len=17) "52:54:00:aa:7b:80"
        Addrs: ([]libvirt.DomainIPAddr) <nil>
}: timestamp=2023-11-06T07:52:37.844Z
2023-11-06T07:52:37.844Z [INFO]  provider.terraform-provider-libvirt_v0.7.1: 2023/11/06 07:52:37 [DEBUG] ifaces with addresses: [{Name:lo Hwaddr:[00:00:00:00:00:00] Addrs:[{Type:0 Addr: Prefix:8} {Type:1 Addr:::1 Prefix:128}]} {Name:ens3 Hwaddr:[52:54:00:aa:7b:80] Addrs:[]}]: timestamp=2023-11-06T07:52:37.844Z
2023-11-06T07:52:37.844Z [INFO]  provider.terraform-provider-libvirt_v0.7.1: 2023/11/06 07:52:37 [DEBUG] found IPs for MAC=52:54:00:AA:7B:80: []: timestamp=2023-11-06T07:52:37.844Z
2023-11-06 08:52:37 <DEBUG> --- 2023-11-06T07:52:37.844Z [INFO]  provider.terraform-provider-libvirt_v0.7.1: 2023/11/06 07:52:37 [DEBUG] all the 1 IP addresses obtained for the domain: timestamp=2023-11-06T07:52:37.844Z
2023-11-06T07:52:37.845Z [INFO]  provider.terraform-provider-libvirt_v0.7.1: 2023/11/06 07:52:37 [DEBUG] wait-for-leases was successful: timestamp=2023-11-06T07:52:37.844Z

According to my investigation this is caused by because before that commit was merged domainGetIfacesInfo was using qemuAgentGetInterfacesInfowhich did not return network interface that had no IPv4 address assigned:

                        if len(libVirtIface.Addrs) > 0 && (ipv4Assigned || !wait4ipv4) {
                                interfaces = append(interfaces, libVirtIface)

With this part removed, already existing code introduced long time ago in makes waiting for lease pass even though there is no IP address assigned:

        for _, ifaceWithAddr := range ifacesWithAddr {
                if len(ifaceWithAddr.Hwaddr) > 0 && (mac == strings.ToUpper(ifaceWithAddr.Hwaddr[0])) {
                        log.Printf("[DEBUG] found IPs for MAC=%+v: %+v\n", mac, ifaceWithAddr.Addrs)
                        return true, false, nil

From my analysis all versions starting with 0.6.9-pre1 are affected.

Additional information:

Do you have SELinux or Apparmor/Firewall enabled? Some special configuration? Not sure but I think it is irrelevant Have you tried to reproduce the issue without them enabled? No