dmacvicar / terraform-provider-libvirt

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research about which opensource tool to use for meeting #319

Closed MalloZup closed 5 years ago

MalloZup commented 5 years ago


Find out a tool opensource were we can do opensource meeting.

Any suggestion welcome

tools at moment under consideration:


hexfusion commented 5 years ago

FTR I have used the following with success

MalloZup commented 5 years ago

@hexfusion yop thx.

imho hangouts could be ok ( it has videosharing).

As drawback we have that everybody need to have a google-account afaik.

bluejean i couldn't find any opensource version of it

MalloZup commented 5 years ago

i found also discord, i will look @ it

MalloZup commented 5 years ago

@dmacvicar from my pov we might try hangouts in test-mode.

As contra is that people need hangouts google account ( but i think mostly people dev golang has google account ? :laughing: )

I tried out the other tools, from my pov hangouts is the best from quality.

I will try this tm with some small group of people

MalloZup commented 5 years ago

i tried out with 5 people was ok

hexfusion commented 5 years ago

@MalloZup can we get the time/location of meeting today? I will try and make it.

MalloZup commented 5 years ago

@hexfusion i think for today we will not do the meeting.

I'm waiting for @dmacvicar which medium he want to use. At time we might discussed 10.30 Friday. I think maybe we can kickstart it next week, depends on @dmacvicar. Let's wait :timer_clock: :sunflower: for confs

MalloZup commented 5 years ago

MalloZup commented 5 years ago

as we discussed briefly, we think that async communication is best way for interacting.

We can have meetings on fridays at 10.30 via irc gitter channel, and see if it fits, but as starting point is ok, no need for video atm