dmadison / Adalight-FastLED

Adalight with FastLED support
GNU General Public License v3.0
361 stars 70 forks source link

Not working for me #23

Closed marcosruiz closed 4 years ago

marcosruiz commented 4 years ago

I bought this kit with WS2812B (180 leds). It worked with the original program but I tried to install your code following your instructions and it is not working.

I edited this lines:

static const uint16_t 
    Num_Leds   =  180;   


The controller is a Arduino UNO chinese clone.

The FastLED library that I use is "FastLED version 3.001.003".

The ambibox shows: "Device status: connected" and "Adalight: connected" with a "capture speed: 20 FPS" which looks great but LEDs do not turn on...

Do you know what could be the problem? I can suppose that I am not sending the data through the "power" connector but I dont know how to change that.

dmadison commented 4 years ago

My first guess would be that the output pin in the program does not match the data pin on your hardware. I would open up the hardware and check that first. If it's a custom circuit board you'll likely have to follow the traces to the microcontroller and look up the datasheet to find the pin (sorry).

I would also recommend using Prismatik, at least for testing. I've seen lots of strange issues reported with Ambibox.

marcosruiz commented 4 years ago

Wow, thanks for your quick response. I am not using any pin, I am using the power connection to send the RGB info to the leds:

This is the schema: PC ---> USB cable ---> Chinese Arduino UNO ---> Power cable ---> String leds

Also the string leds are feeded with Power with a power supply.

Has the power connection something like a PIN_NUMBER? Maybe this is not a question to do in this thread but I am not very familiarized with Arduino.

dmadison commented 4 years ago

The power connection on an Arduino Uno cannot be used as an I/O pin.

Looking at that product page you linked, it appears as though they're just using a barrel connector for the data connection to the strips. You will still need to figure out what digital I/O pin that barrel connector is attached to.

marcosruiz commented 4 years ago

I finally understood it. The cable is connected from PIN 8 to the barrel connector in the bottom of the UNO. You were right!!. Thank you, now is working!