dmahony / LoRa-AX25-IP-Network

Utilising inexpensive wireless modules and open source software to form networks over long distances using AX25 and IP networking in the unlicensed ISM bands, without reliance on a centralised service provider.
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Need to set payload length according to characters typed. #5

Closed dmahony closed 8 years ago

dmahony commented 8 years ago

If the payload length is set for more characters than are typed into the message the extra characters are nonsense. Eg; If the payload length is set to 100 and I type in "HelloWorld!" I get this: HelloWorld!:/▒▒g▒Ƴ▒s'▒4▒*▒▒}▒▒▒E▒▒^▒▒▒v▒▒▒▒▒>▒џ▒t▒X▒GKԿz▒{▒▒▒▒▒xȅR▒▒▒▒U▒▒▒▒▒▒gc>▒▒▒▒▒