dmarmor / epichrome

An application and Chrome extension for creating web-based applications that work like standalone Mac apps.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Epichrome and Mission Control #260

Open MalEbenSo opened 4 years ago

MalEbenSo commented 4 years ago

Epichrome "does not play nice" with Mission Control for me.

Issue 1: Applications show up twice. Firstly on the main level of mission control. Secondly in a folder. Expected behaviour: New apps should only show up only once, preferably on the main level (or configurable).

Issue 2: I have test-created an app "Apple" with Epichrome and then deleted it. But the App still shows in Mission Control. Expected behaviour: When Apps are deleted, Epichrome will do all necessary cleanup to completely remove them. As a safety check users are asked in advance: "Epichrome has found orphaned data for App xyz. Do you want to remove them?" Then options to "remove" or "keep".

Both issues are shown in the screensot.

Bildschirmfoto 2020-07-14 um 08 33 32

dmarmor commented 4 years ago

This is probably a result of the app/engine architecture of Epichrome. Version 2.4 is going to change that architecture and hopefully you won't see this problem any more at that point.

As far as deleting the engine when an Epichrome app is deleted, there's no way to do that as apps aren't notified when they are deleted. Version 2.4 will have a "scan" app included which will attempt to clean up after deleted apps when it's run, but there are definitely cases where it won't be able to tell that an app has been deleted. The most complete way to delete an app will remain the method outlined in the troubleshooting guide (it will be updated for the new architecture when 2.4 is released).

MalEbenSo commented 4 years ago

Again, thanks for the quick response.

That "scan" feature sounds just like the thing to recognize and deal with orphaned data as suggested. If it helps, I will beta test and report back, if my cases are dealt with by the new feature, and if not help to drill down which remnants are not picked up.

dmarmor commented 4 years ago

Sounds good, thanks!