dmartinez10 / commuter-app

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Spring / Summer Project Based Learning #1

Open sgdavis1 opened 6 months ago

sgdavis1 commented 6 months ago



Today we setup the git repo and the scaffolded expo app together, and set a time for the weekly meeting.

Goals for next week

sgdavis1 commented 5 months ago



CLI training included, Youtube videos and ChatGPT responses, hands-on training, etc. David feels confident using this now. Has continued looking into Expo / React Native platform. Able to run the iOS Simulator by running XCode, installed Android Studio but hasn't gotten the code deployed yet. Getting an error npm run android, we will look at this together.

Additional effort included setting up a Google Firebase database for the app and started to play around with the functionality on that.

Overall Project Goal

Goals for next week

sgdavis1 commented 5 months ago



Both simulators are running correctly. Discussed git usage, and possibility of a duplicate copy of the project on David's laptop (and how to resolved). Completed a basic login screen!!

Goal for next week

sgdavis1 commented 5 months ago



Created some Github Actions for building and deploying app and working with Firebase, might not be totally necessary yet and Steve will look into the details of how useful these things are. Straightened out code repository locations on laptop and removed duplicate. Started working on Firebase records, and added some details / discussed how to use these things with Steve

Goals for the next week

sgdavis1 commented 5 months ago



Worked on a lot of class work, so less progress this week. Started on Navigation to new Screen after a successful login. Completed the code to "create" user accounts.

Goals for the next week

sgdavis1 commented 4 months ago



Worked together to clean up multiple copies of source code on David's laptop. Continued to work on error coming from React Native source:

Unable to resolve "react-native-safe-area-context" from "node_modules/@react-navigation/stack/src/views/Header/Header.tsx"

Goals for the next week

sgdavis1 commented 4 months ago



Still working on getting a correct DB connection to the Firestore backend. Steve and David walked through this together the last two meetings and David will be proceeding independently this week to see how far he can get following this tutorial: