dmayer / time_trial

Time Trial - A tool for performing feasibility analyses of timing attacks
MIT License
83 stars 16 forks source link

Attack tab proposal #2

Open andresriancho opened 9 years ago

andresriancho commented 9 years ago

User story

As a user I want to be able to exploit timing vulnerabilities using time-trial


The user needs to be able to configure the following settings (which are duplicates from the creation of a new trial):

These extra settings are required:

When specifying the HTTP request the user needs to use $TIME_TRIAL$ in the part of the request where time trial will perform the brute force.


The algorithm will brute-force the last M characters. M is calculated using:

The goal is to brute-force only when the number of HTTP requests used for brute-force is less than the used for timing attack.

Ideas and potential improvements

andresriancho commented 9 years ago

Initial implementation and unittests at

andresriancho commented 9 years ago

Still need to work on the GUI, but the tests do PASS :+1: