dmbaranov / evemovies-bot

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Add search using IMDB ID #2

Closed francisyzy closed 3 years ago

francisyzy commented 3 years ago
[Node] [2021-10-10T14:49:06.292Z] [error]: Error occurred during imdb searching for movie { title: 'f9', year: undefined, language: 'en' }. ImdbError { message: 'Too many results.: f9', name: 'imdb api error' }

When searching for generic movie names such as F9, cannot find the actual movie.

Add a regex to check for tt5433138 IMDB ids to directly link to the IMDB movie.

dmbaranov commented 3 years ago

@francisyzy I'll merge the PR now and release it later this week. Thanks once more for your contribution :)