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1. Предел комфорта (перевод) #20

Open dmbingo opened 1 year ago

dmbingo commented 1 year ago

I kept working at my main job and at the same time I got deeper into my own project. For a while I didn’t feel anything, just like at a regular job. Then I felt some instant discomfort from “my” business. At first it was a brief flash. Like when an elevator gets stuck or you experience the first seconds in a dentist’s chair. Unpleasant, but it passes in a few moments. The “flashes of discomfort” happened more and more often. I felt like I was gradually losing the familiar, comfortable life that I had built over several years.


dmbingo commented 1 year ago

At some point, doing my own thing became like “going out in the cold”. You feel that when you get further and further away from home or a familiar place where everything is set up and ready for living. The more I worked for myself, the more effort I spent to not lose sight of my “home”. I mentally planned ways to retreat, assessed the possibility of going back to my usual job and normal life.


dmbingo commented 1 year ago

It’s like running out in slippers for cigarettes in the winter, but they’re not at the nearest kiosk. And you have to run further and further for them. For the first couple of blocks you live on the warmth of your home. Then you have one plan: run, throw money, grab a pack, rush back, reach out, grab the door handle and find yourself in the familiar warmth and comfort. But with each new week of such a “trip” to my project, it became harder and harder to return to my usual tasks. Over time, these “departures” stressed me so much that I made up excuses and “alibis” for myself not to do anything other than my main job.


dmbingo commented 1 year ago

Now "comfort" has turned into a frozen routine for me, which I have no time, energy, or resources to change.


dmbingo commented 1 year ago

The past “comfort of life” now seems small and incongruous. It seems absurd that I once clung to it so much. But the fact that I fought for it so hard led to the fact that “it is with him” that I stayed. And I doubt I can change anything.


dmbingo commented 1 year ago

Переведи на английский язык и адаптируй перевод для лучшего понимания гражданином США получившим образование в колледже. Текст для перевода и адаптации: "Ощущения Мотив бросить проект. Осознанное сожаление о потере достигнутого раньше ежедневного комфорта."

Feelings The motive to quit the project. Conscious regret about losing the daily comfort achieved before.
