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Blocks objects implementation #10

Closed savethejets closed 12 years ago

savethejets commented 12 years ago

Need to implement random objects like balls, bricks, bridges

They need to have collision groups similar to the player

They need to update the active collision group on them when the swipe action happens.

savethejets commented 12 years ago

I was trying this last night and I was running into some issues.

These blocks need to have special behaviour that sets them apart from normal colour collision, and apart from the player collision and that was tripping me up.

So the ball should interact with the colour that it is, and the player should only collide with it when the dimension is that colour, However there is a weird case. Say you have an orange ball. That ball should appear on both red and yellow, but there is a case were the collision spot that the ball is resting on isn't in both colours.

It's weird to have it floating in mid-air in the colour that doesn't have the platform, not to mention I think it would be better game play wise if the ball fell in the platform-less colour.

Anyways I'm hoping I can get something together for this; I need to read up on filter.masks and filter.categoryGroups in box2d. I must be missing something.

savethejets commented 12 years ago

There's a few tweaks I want to do for the next milestone but this is done and working!