As a user, I would like to store the TensorCollection metadata in a binary form that has minimal disk space and is fast to read and write to.
[ ] Add Cereal archive decorators to all classes that contain metadata
[ ] Add a TensorCollectionFile class that reads/writes the cereal archives
[ ] Make unit tests covering the read and write operations
[ ] Unit test coverage
[ ] Working win/linux builds
Code Snippets
storeTensorCollectionBinary with e.g. (const std::string & filename, const InterpreterT& model_interpreter) arguments (To be updated)
std::ofstream ofs(filename, std::ios::binary);
//if (ofs.is_open() == false) {// Lines check to make sure the file is not already created
cereal::BinaryOutputArchive oarchive(ofs);
//}// Lines check to make sure the file is not already created
return true;
loadTensorCollectionBinary with e.g. (const std::string & filename, InterpreterT& model_interpreter) arguments (To be updated)
As a user, I would like to store the TensorCollection metadata in a binary form that has minimal disk space and is fast to read and write to.
Code Snippets
storeTensorCollectionBinary with e.g. (const std::string & filename, const InterpreterT& model_interpreter) arguments (To be updated)
loadTensorCollectionBinary with e.g. (const std::string & filename, InterpreterT& model_interpreter) arguments (To be updated)
e.g. class headers
e.g. class decorators