dme65 / pySOT

Surrogate Optimization Toolbox for Python
205 stars 53 forks source link fails after the increase of number of workers #37

Closed vvmikheev closed 4 years ago

vvmikheev commented 4 years ago

I am trying to run the script using this command:

mpiexec -n 20 python

Unfortunately, it fails with AssertionError. And it works just fine with 10 workers (example below.) Could you please explain what has happened?


vvmikheev commented 4 years ago

I increased the number of points in experimental design to solve this problem (num_pts in SymmetricLatinHypercube). It helped somehow...

dme65 commented 4 years ago

It’s unclear exactly what your settings are, but you need at least d+1 points to fit an RBF with a linear tail. Thus, if you run in asynchronous mode with p workers you need at least p+d initial design points.

vvmikheev commented 4 years ago

Thank you, I will keep it in mind.