dmedvinsky / gsimplecal

Simple and lightweight GTK calendar (BSD license)
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Option to change the first day of the week. #22

Closed ZoomRmc closed 10 years ago

ZoomRmc commented 10 years ago

Pretty self explanatory. Would be great to have this option without messing with system locale.

Having a a different font colour for the weekend would be great too, but it's a separate issue already mentioned.

dmedvinsky commented 10 years ago

The only way to do it with GTK calendar widget is to mess with locale. In order not to mess with system-wide locale, one can set it for single application via the environment variables.

Even though it's pretty easy in Linux to do so, gsimplecal still has an option to do that even easier. The option is documented in the man page you can read via man gsimplecal.

Here is the source code of the man page with the lines of interest highlighted. It's not as pretty as rendered man page, but still should be readable enough for you to get the idea.